$200.00 ~ SOLD
This is my first holiday painting of the
season! There is a lot to look at in this
little painting. Someone took an outside
planter and put lights on it. There is a
glow from a neighbors house laying across
the porch columns. A hint of another
brick home is in the background and I had
to add a moon to compliment the star on
the tree!
season! There is a lot to look at in this
little painting. Someone took an outside
planter and put lights on it. There is a
glow from a neighbors house laying across
the porch columns. A hint of another
brick home is in the background and I had
to add a moon to compliment the star on
the tree!
I took a week off from painting, simply
enjoyed having Abbey home and basically
did very little. So today was the first I
enjoyed having Abbey home and basically
did very little. So today was the first I
held a paintbrush in thirteen days, a very
long stretch for me. Also, for about two
months I was only working on larger
paintings. When I sat down this morning,
staring at a blank white sheet of 4 x 6" paper
I felt uneasy. You would not expect that, after
30 years of painting; but there was an
insecurity. By the time I did the pencil sketch
I was back in the game.
Linda is almost caught up with framing orders
so if you were waiting, now is a good time to
call or go on line. The $20 off coupon is good
until 12/20.
long stretch for me. Also, for about two
months I was only working on larger
paintings. When I sat down this morning,
staring at a blank white sheet of 4 x 6" paper
I felt uneasy. You would not expect that, after
30 years of painting; but there was an
insecurity. By the time I did the pencil sketch
I was back in the game.
Linda is almost caught up with framing orders
so if you were waiting, now is a good time to
call or go on line. The $20 off coupon is good
until 12/20.