Thursday, November 29, 2007
Kitty in Window
Two days ago we found a cat. Actually the
cat found us. He was hanging out in the
neighborhood and the neighbors were all
taking turns taking him in. I didn't want him.
But it is never that simple. He is a sweetheart,
and he knows how to butter me up! So when
I was searching for a piece to paint today I was
inspired. It is not him in this window... but when
he's not in my lap, a window is where he can
be found!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Bench #1
Linda has this thing for outdoor benches
and chairs. Maybe its her need for
solitude and rest... I enjoy painting them
for her. Whenever we are out looking
for new subjects there are always new benches
in every type of setting. So, I paint them often.
I hope you enjoy them also.
I managed to get a little exercise today.
Finally got a handle on the leaves. I took
another load to UPS, Linda and her elves
are boxing like crazy! Also took my Mom to
the hairdresser. This all took half my day.
The other half was spent painting.
Finally got a handle on the leaves. I took
another load to UPS, Linda and her elves
are boxing like crazy! Also took my Mom to
the hairdresser. This all took half my day.
The other half was spent painting.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Pottery #6
On 11/25 I painted one jar and made up a still life.
Today I wanted to paint the jars the way I saw
them. There were actually three in a row in a
cabinet. There is a lovely brown glaze that reflects
them. There were actually three in a row in a
cabinet. There is a lovely brown glaze that reflects
the light.
Today was busy. I picked up more donated food
for the food bank, dropped 6 donated turkeys to
the freezer storage, raked leaves, bought my Mom
a new clock, took a load of boxes to UPS and helped
a few clients in the studio.
Then I painted. Not to bad, I am done by 9:30 PM!
I noticed some bidding on the last few paintings,
that gives a little inspiration! Thank you. Remember
if anyone has questions or suggestions you may use
the comment below or email me.
if anyone has questions or suggestions you may use
the comment below or email me.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Door Handle
So easy to overlook, but my job is to share
the things that I see. An outside door in
need of paint. I was drawn to streaks of
rust from the handle.
The life of an artist was uneventful today.
It was raining so I did not get out on my bike.
I ran a few errands which happened to take
me past Circuit City. My reward to myself for
all the painting for open house was my first
IPod. Can't wait to get some music on it, as
soon as I figure it out! Linda was in the studio
from 7:30am till now boxing orders.
She promised to quit shortly. Looks like I am
running to UPS in the morning.
me past Circuit City. My reward to myself for
all the painting for open house was my first
IPod. Can't wait to get some music on it, as
soon as I figure it out! Linda was in the studio
from 7:30am till now boxing orders.
She promised to quit shortly. Looks like I am
running to UPS in the morning.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Pottery #5
I had a general idea for today. I sketched the
antique brown jar on a shelf, but then was
stuck with what to put aside it. Follow my
thinking here... I was munching on some
tic-tacs and had the little box in my hand and
just decided to use that. OK, maybe I did not
give it as much thought as I should have.
However it was handy. I actually had it drawn
in when Linda walked by and glanced over my
shoulder. You can imagine how the conversation
went... "bla bla bla... fine, then you find me
something else to put there..." Don't tell her
but I had to agree, the old paprika tin looks better.
Sunday should have been a day of rest, but I
painted. We put food away in the local food bank
for a few hours and returned Jason to Hershey School.
I can safely say I would rather be an artist than a
teacher/counselor to 44 boys returning after a one week
break and all sleep deprived and sugared up!!
Saturday, November 24, 2007
"Green Pepper with Grape Tomatoes"
Just shaking things up a bit, keeps me
from being bored! We had these veggies
left over from open house and I laid them
out on the counter to ponder using them
in my salad. I liked the colors together and
thought I would give it a shot. Linda
wanted to see them without my usual dark
background, let them stand on their own.
It took everything I had not to fill up the
background!! This is one to add to my crisper
more contemporary pieces. FYI the pattern
in the background is the deckle in the paper.
For Thanksgiving we took the family out
to brunch at the Host in Lancaster. They
had a very nice spread. It was overwhelming
for my Mom. We had to use a wheelchair.
It is hard as a son to recognize certain things
may be over. I do not see her able to go again.
We had beautiful weather so I managed a few
spins on the bike...and painting. Linda is glued
to her desk catching up with the bookwork and
getting organized to fill orders for the new prints.
She is in her glory, her computer tower was
recased in silver/black with ports in the front
and she now has a new flat screen. Thank you to
her computer geek... he knows who he is!
Slowly we are catching up with modern equipment,
making life easier and faster. Jason has been home
all week so that is an added distraction. He goes
back to school tomorrow.
The studio is open by chance or appointment. I
suggest you call to make sure we are here but we are
trying to stay home. (In between care giving
and some volunteer work!) There is still a good selection
of original paintings and plenty of framed prints.
So, call and visit us.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Bed #3
I have painted beds several times.
Shaker bedrooms have a starkness
to them. No fuss. Utilitarian.
The flow of the covers interest me.
The bed is made but not perfect.
There was an odd shaped piece of wood
laying on the bed. I painted it as it was
but cannot figure it out.
Shaker bedrooms have a starkness
to them. No fuss. Utilitarian.
The flow of the covers interest me.
The bed is made but not perfect.
There was an odd shaped piece of wood
laying on the bed. I painted it as it was
but cannot figure it out.
Other than painting, today was spent
winterizing my drafty old house. Also
squeezed in another food pick up for
the food bank
I have a lot to be thankful for.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Shaker House #5
I am back to painting today after five days
off. Actually I was not off, just wearing a different
hat. My Open House hat! It felt odd not painting
after being so disciplined to paint everyday. I was
ready to get back to it. I am starting off with a
landscape. Canterbury Village in N.H. I liked the
red roof against the white building with a bit of
green grass and garden in the foreground.
Open House was a success, a huge THANK YOU
to all who attended and supported me with your
purchases. It means a lot to me to see clients who
after many years still love the painting they bought and
continue to buy even when they have no wall space left!
purchases. It means a lot to me to see clients who
after many years still love the painting they bought and
continue to buy even when they have no wall space left!
It is your patronage that allows me to continue painting
and not become a greeter at Wallmart!
Again I thank you all. It was nice to have Abbey and
Ben home to help out. They brought their cat "Stella"
home to be cat-sat while they vacation over Thanksgiving
in Costa Rica... Something is very wrong with this picture!
and not become a greeter at Wallmart!
Again I thank you all. It was nice to have Abbey and
Ben home to help out. They brought their cat "Stella"
home to be cat-sat while they vacation over Thanksgiving
in Costa Rica... Something is very wrong with this picture!
Monday was spent taking everything down and putting
the supplies away. Getting the house back to living quarters.
the supplies away. Getting the house back to living quarters.
Getting the studio back to where we can frame and start boxing.
We volunteer at our local food bank and it is our job to pick
up donations. Today we had two big loads to pick up and put
away. But I did squeeze in a few hours to get my blog painting
We are still taking orders for the new prints. Check out the
website and make your decisions. If you want to visit the
studio, just call and make sure we are around. If you are thinking
holiday gifts...keep me in mind! I even have Gift certificates!
We volunteer at our local food bank and it is our job to pick
up donations. Today we had two big loads to pick up and put
away. But I did squeeze in a few hours to get my blog painting
We are still taking orders for the new prints. Check out the
website and make your decisions. If you want to visit the
studio, just call and make sure we are around. If you are thinking
holiday gifts...keep me in mind! I even have Gift certificates!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
24th Annual Open House
I have been negligent in getting a blog written
all this week. I hope if you are new to my blog
you check back after open house. I will be back
on a regular schedule. I did spend the week painting
and framing and setting up the house. There really
was not one free second and if I found one, Linda
had something to fill it!
We are ready... I think...
I did not consult Linda
before I made this
declaration. I was ready
this morning, it is now
8:30pm and Linda is
still finding things
that need attention.
There is a sampling of new originals on my
website under "originals" Make sure you check
it out. I hope you are planning on a visit this weekend!
Our Studio & Home Will Be Open On...
FRIDAY 11/16/07 from 2PM to 10PM
SATURDAY 11/17/07 from 10AM to 10PM
SUNDAY 11/18/07 from 12 to 6pm
at 4 North Spruce Street, Lititz, PA

all this week. I hope if you are new to my blog
you check back after open house. I will be back
on a regular schedule. I did spend the week painting
and framing and setting up the house. There really
was not one free second and if I found one, Linda
had something to fill it!
I did not consult Linda
before I made this
declaration. I was ready
this morning, it is now
8:30pm and Linda is
still finding things
that need attention.
There is a sampling of new originals on my
website under "originals" Make sure you check
it out. I hope you are planning on a visit this weekend!
Our Studio & Home Will Be Open On...
FRIDAY 11/16/07 from 2PM to 10PM
SATURDAY 11/17/07 from 10AM to 10PM
SUNDAY 11/18/07 from 12 to 6pm
at 4 North Spruce Street, Lititz, PA
Friday, November 9, 2007
Waterlily #2
I am into waterlilies. The lily color is actually
yellow with a pale green hue. It photographed
more green than it actually is. This lily just
rose up from the water, the pads are out of view.
There was a great shadow in front. I was
interested in the way the water reflected light.
6 more days to open house. Linda had help in the
studio today, they worked from 8am to 7:30pm.
I helped by staying out of their way and ordering
meals! I did paint all day, that counts! I am home
all guessed it, painting. If the rain
stops I am going for a morning bike ride. We may
try to sneak in a movie, American Gangster. Other
than that, painting and framing is on the schedule.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
This is actually part of my fall collection.
It was temporarily put on hold while
concentrating on other paintings. I found
this inspiration at our local market. A
box filled with apples.
concentrating on other paintings. I found
this inspiration at our local market. A
box filled with apples.
This has been an exciting week. I started cutting
the mats for all my new original paintings. I
love watching them come together. There is a
wonderful sense of accomplishment. If you go to
my website and click on "Originals" you can view
some of them. Linda spent the morning getting them
listed. Titles and prices will follow after all the framing
is finished. I am also so excited, Linda worked on
this new framing concept for my small pieces. They
are mounted in a shadow box, giving a contemporary
look to the paintings. I can't wait to show them to
someone. Also today we started putting
the display panels up in the house. It is coming together.
With all that going on, Linda had a training session with
her web guru. She works with several and I never know
what is going on, I can't keep up, I just reap the benefits!
I am getting a little nervous overhearing chat about
something wireless and a web cam. They mean business,
the little TV is already located in the bottom
corner of this blog. She's just waiting for some cash to
come in for the gadgets. I am sure there will be a big
announcement when she's ready...
She also learned how to put a live auction thingy below
this painting... Now I need some bidding to watch it
really work. Don't embarrass me with no bids on a live auction!
Man, if anything happens to my darling wife I am in trouble.
Without her I will be off line and back to snail mail in a flash!!
Don't worry, I know how to keep her happy, she just needs
a few hours in her garden every now and then.
Enough about her and back to me! I am really
happy about the direction my painting are going. My colors
are more vibrant and it feels like my paint just flows. I
can't wait for open house to start so I can show off my new
paintings. Hope you are all planning a trip to the studio.
Monday, November 5, 2007
I went with a waterlily today. A great study
in the contrast of shadow and sun with reflections.
My past weekend went well. I balanced selling
with working on a painting. It was nice to
exhibit with such a high caliber of artisans.
For all the new clients visiting my blog for the
first time, bare with me while I get through
my open house. I just cannot devote the time to
the blog that I did earlier. It is a delicate balancing
act! 11 days to go and the stress level is rising!
Another $2000. worth of frames arrived today.
You know what Linda is doing tonight. She had
a long pleasant chat with our daughter today so that
has her in a good mood! Abbey may be home to help
out at open house.
My website has been updated, you can now
order the new prints on line.
Wow, it is only 7:30pm and I am posting my blog, that
is almost a record. Ok, I am back to work for a few
more hours, I have a large painting that needs my attention.
in the contrast of shadow and sun with reflections.
My past weekend went well. I balanced selling
with working on a painting. It was nice to
exhibit with such a high caliber of artisans.
For all the new clients visiting my blog for the
first time, bare with me while I get through
my open house. I just cannot devote the time to
the blog that I did earlier. It is a delicate balancing
act! 11 days to go and the stress level is rising!
Another $2000. worth of frames arrived today.
You know what Linda is doing tonight. She had
a long pleasant chat with our daughter today so that
has her in a good mood! Abbey may be home to help
out at open house.
My website has been updated, you can now
order the new prints on line.
Wow, it is only 7:30pm and I am posting my blog, that
is almost a record. Ok, I am back to work for a few
more hours, I have a large painting that needs my attention.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Shaker House #4
This sun drenched painting was inspired
from my favorite subject site. I never tire
of painting the New England Shaker Villages.
I needed to create some cash flow so I am showing this
weekend. It would have been easier to stay home
and continue painting but there are bills due! I
painted this morning then at noon stopped to pack
the van. This show features a holiday theme so we
had to dig in the Christmas boxes for tablecloths and
"decorations" to spruce up the booth. You might think
self-employed artists are "free"... but there is always
a boss, and always rules and demands. We just like
to think we are free! So off to Reading, PA. Set up
went smoothly, and the booth looks "holidayish". Next,
we went into Lancaster for 1st Friday. Our new helper
had some jewelry on display and we needed to see her
work. Then it was off to the grocery store to pick up
Moms weekend supplies. Back home by 8pm and
a finished blog by 11. Now I am free!! But to tired
to do anything about my freedom...
The show:
Nov. 3 & 4 The 58th Annual Holiday Craft Show
Held at the Berks Campus of Penn State University
in Reading, PA Sat. 9-5 Sun. 10-4
This is a Guild show so the quality is top notch!!
There is a coupon at:
I am getting orders for the new prints so don't wait to call.
Linda will be in the studio framing all weekend and will take
orders. Any opinions on the new prints?? They will be available
to order on line shortly.
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