Friday, July 31, 2009
Saint Emilion, France #5 ~ Rooftops
I wanted to keep up the practice of
the rooftop views. This one is from
Saint Emilion. Interesting angles
and lines softened by trees.
I promised I would share the information
of the business that designed my website.
Mike was easy to work with and Linda
could just tell him what she wanted and he
made it happen.
Mike Canarelli
If you need any type of web stuff contact him.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Carcassonne, France ~ Rooftops
I decided I wanted a change and a
challenge today. The rooftops of the
villages have been speaking to me;
with their rusty colored clay tiles creating
a mosaic like pattern across the landscape.
This view is out of a stone window from
high up in a tower in the walled city of
Carcassonne, France.
I am not usually a "cityscape" painter so
this painting took me about 10 hours
today. Starting with a strong drawing
which required really studying all the angles
of the buildings. Thinking about the perspective
of looking out over the roofline making sure
it did not just run all together. I enjoyed
the challenge. I thought my style would become
a bit looser since I am painting subjects a
little different than usual but I just can't,
for me it is all in the understated detail of realism.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Crissay-sur-Manse, France #2
I was drawn to these huge steps. They
were a deep gray and were so worn.
The same white tufa stone building as
yesterdays painting and this door was faded.
Again the hollyhocks that are all over this
part of France. By the time I am finished
I will have painted them in every color!
I am a little nervous, Linda got a "Twitter"
book from the Library and signed me up...
I have no idea what this means but I am
sure I will have a lesson soon. She is going
all tecky on me, I think Facebook is also on
the list. I am quite happy at my desk painting
or out on my bike, I am not sure I need
something new!! I am sure she will
manage it for me; my words, her typing.
Never to dull around here.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Crissay-sur-Manse, France

Crissay-sur-Manse was my first taste of
a small village in France. We parked outside
the village and walked in. I felt like I was
going back in time, although I must say I felt
like that often on this trip. There were very
few tourists around, we had the whole place to
ourselves. The population is 115 people! And
I don't think we saw more than 10! It actually
felt like we were trespassing! The streets were
narrow and the buildings made of white tufa
stone, built between the Middle Ages and the
18th century. I can not get over the age.
I plan on several more paintings from this village!

I sold this one even before I had time to
frame it! 24x18 $2500. I am very proud
of this painting, my first large painting from
the France series. There will be more!!
Monday, July 27, 2009
Sarlat-la-Canéda, France #4

The colors are strong and vibrant in
this little painting. Notice the reflection
of the sky in the window.
Just an FYI, my "Grazing" print is down
to under 10 prints left. If this was one you

studio and talk to Linda.
The Lititz show turned out well on Saturday.
I demonstrated most of the day and
chatted with clients and friends. Showing
in your home town is rather social! On Sunday
I worked on my bikes all day. Did not go
near the studio. In the evening we went with
friends to Longs Park for a Los Lobos concert.
Excellent! So today was back to my desk. I
pretty much painted all day.
can get together. Use my email rather than the blog:
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Talmont-sur-Gironde, France #2
The blue that this town used was just
so vibrant. A perfect backdrop to
the varieties of Hollyhocks.
I am finally doing a show close to home.
So close I could almost walk all my stuff
The Lititz Art Show
Saturday 7/25
Held in Lititz Springs Park
Rt 501 Lititz, PA ~ FREE
from 9am-5pm ~ rain or shine
My booth is in the back near the
pavilions. Come out and see me!
Also I have my class schedule posted
on my website. More info to follow.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Sarlat-la-Canéda, France #3

It felt like every window I looked
at had flowers.
I am sharing bits of the wedding.
This was a destination wedding and
they picked France simply because
they liked it there. It was our first
time in Europe and it was exciting.
Here is "the Father and the Bride"

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Saint Emilion, France #4 ~ Vineyards
Another vineyard. There is a rather
impressionistic style to painting the
vines. Pushing shades of green to give
the idea of leaves. There was this big
old tree in the background that naturally
gave a the impression of depth and
distance. I find the vineyards peaceful
and a joy to paint.
I often have amateur painters ask
me how they can improve. My best advice
is to paint more. There is a huge learning
curve to watercolor. With practice you
begin to understand how to mix and layer
color. My second best advice is to start
with a strong drawing. There is a drawing
under every one of my paintings. It is my
map so I know where I am going.
I am selling these little gems on eBay. You
need an eBay account which is very easy to
set up. Then you can place a bid. For
payment, I offer several choices, you do not
need to use the internet to send a payment.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Saint Emilion, France #3 ~ Vineyards

I couldn't wait to try my hand at a
vineyard. Wonderful patterns,
neat rows, and strong green colors.
This has just enough landscape to
give interest and the long road takes
you out into the countryside. This was
in Saint Emilion, France and was my
first wine tour. I fell in love with the
I painted all weekend and finished my
planter. I showed the start of this
painting on 7/13. The image is 13"x19"
I do not have a price or title as of yet...

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Sarlat-la-Canéda, France #2
I was attracted to the stone
embellishments around the worn
red door. I am totally enjoying
myself and I hope that transfers
into my paintings.
It is time to pack again! We were only
home 3 days this week. I never did
get a chance to work on my larger painting
so I will take it along for the weekend.
We are off in the morning.
The show:
Audubon Arts & Craft Festival
Held at Wallenpaupack Middle School
Rt 6 in Hawley, PA
July 18 & 19 Sat & Sun 10am to 5pm
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Saint Emilion - France #2
I had been studying the stonework on
the outside so today I went inside.
The room was very dark with this
wonderful strong sunlight streaming
in. I think the stone was limestone and
I still get a tingle thinking I walked on
steps others walked on for hundreds
(lots of hundreds!) of years... Take a
little time studying this painting so
you can see all the detail.
I think you can click over the painting
to enlarge it.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Sarlat-la-Canéda, France
More stone windows with flowers.
I cannot get over the idea of opening
the windows without screens...
Sarlat was truly a medieval town from
the 14th century. I am not following
any order in painting my trip, just
painting what moves me each day.
If anyone is planing a trip and want any
info on what we saw and the guides we
used just email me. I am including links
so you can read more if you want.
I am giving a plug to Le Jardin Sarlat
a very nice B&B with English speaking
I ran a few errands, visited with Mom and
painted today. Linda has lots of framing
ready for tomorrow and I needed to cut some
glass tonight. Its 10pm and we are still
Also, for "Anonymous" who sent a comment,
feel free to call me if you wish to talk...
Monday, July 13, 2009
Saint Emilion - France
While looking around France I found
I was still attracted to the same scenes
that move me at home. Everywhere I
looked there were flower boxes in open
windows. It was knowing the stone buildings
are centuries old that was astounding. This
came from Saint-Emilion where we spent
a full day sight seeingand had a wine tasting.
We only got home at 1:00 today. It was
dark by the time I unpacked the van, mowed
the lawn, worked on a pond problem and
cooked dinner on the grill.
State College show went well. So well that
Linda has a fair amount of framing to do
before Friday; when we leave for the next
show. It will be a short week at home!
I demonstrated all four days at the show,
painting two blog paintings, in an attempt
to get ahead and I also started a large painting
which I want to try and finish this week.

I am studying
the French
stones and this
had a wonderful
wall with an old
stone planter
adding a pinch
of color. I still have a few days
of work to do on this...
The size will be 18X24 when framed.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Tuesday check in
I had very good intentions, but it is 8pm
and I have not even started painting....
This morning Linda and I set up an exhibit
at our favorite theater/cafe called The Allen
This is not a great photo, the lighting was not
good but it gives you a general idea.
After that was finished we needed to run to the
grocery store for food for the weekend. Then
it was home to pack the van and the camper.
I also squeezed in a visit with my Mom while
Linda was packing clothes and food.
We leave in the morning for the Penn State show.
Central Pennsylvania Festival of the Arts
State College, PA July 9-12
Thurs. to Sat. 10am-8pm Sun. 12-5pm
My space is #A01 on Allen Street
rain or shine!
more info:
I will be painting/demonstrating at the show
and will attempt to blog if I get an Internet
Monday, July 6, 2009
We started our trip in Paris but it
was the countryside that really moved
me so I am starting with one of the villages
we stopped in, Talmont-sur-Gironde.
It is known for its hollyhocks. My first
impression was color and light. There is
this light warm blue everywhere and the
hollyhocks grow wild in every color. The
shutters and doors seem to be works of art.
It is no wonder that such great art and
artist flourished here.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
I am back!
a lifetime. I have so many photos I do not know where
to start! There were 17 days filled with eye candy.
I must start with the reason we were even in France.
Abbey and Ben's wedding.
Here is a photo of our new happy extended family
Starting on the left is Charlie (Roz's boyfriend),
Roz (Ben's sister) Rob (Ben's dad)
Shirl (Ben's mom) Abbey & Ben (bride & groom)
Linda and me and Rashetta (our adopted daughter!)
We had a perfect day, counting family there were
30 of us to celebrate. Who would have ever thought
30 guests would travel to France for a wedding! I
will have a few more photos later.
Linda and I started our trip with 3 days in Paris
with 5 of our friends. We then rented cars and
drove down to Saint Fort Sur Gironde (about 1
hour north of Bordeaux) We had a very nice house
for our adult guests, there was 9 of us. The Hunter
party had their own house and the 13 kids stayed
in the chateau with the bride and groom. We were
just around the corner. Saturday night we all got
together and Rob cooked a great meal while we all
got acquainted. Sunday 6/21 was the wedding day.
Everyone chipped in to set tables, make flower
arrangements, sweep and all the fun stuff. All of the
guests had jobs. It looked beautiful and the bride
was stunning. That's it for tonight.
I plan to paint in the morning...
not at all sure where to start.