Thursday, August 29, 2024

2024 Sunflower #3

mini original watercolor  $225
Lancaster County...

I took our daughters car to the garage on the other side of Ephrata and had a nice long bike ride back home!  Finished packing for Fridays set up and painted.

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

2024 Sunflower #2

SOLD!  $145. (unframed) 4x6” mini original watercolor
Available to the 1st person to email
(framing 8x10 $35 - shipping available at cost)
If unsold by 8/30 the price goes to $225

Packing for the Heart of Lancaster Show...

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


Busy day, I ran my boxed commission painting to UPS only to find I had a wrong address. Came back home and contacted my client and he used a better address. New label and back to UPS. Then at 2 we took our cat to the vet. Since we returned from Canada he has been licking and pulling out hair. He hates when we are gone so we thought it was a nervous thing but NO... our indoor only cat has flees. I do not understand that but I saw them, and if one has them, both cats have them. We came home and Linda gave both boys baths, that was fun!!  I was told to put a flee collar in our vacuum bag and vacuum.  

Meanwhile my new bag to hold my canopy poles came and the wet boys are checking it out.

It is now 5pm, dinner and a bike ride.  I'll paint tonight!

Monday, August 26, 2024

2024 Sunflower #1

mini original watercolor  $225
I have been driving past fields of sunflowers so I guess its time to paint a few!

I was AWOL from blogging all last week. I had a commission that I needed to finish (it looks great!) but it took my week. Its a gift so I will post it when I get the go ahead. I also did a painting Linda requested that she has been thinking she might print in November. Now that its finished she`s hedging... Feel free to email your thoughts!!   
It would frame to 21x15" and sell for $115 framed.  It would be my only print for this year.

I also spent ALL of  last Tuesday recovering from the Mount Gretna Show; drying out my wet tent, tarps and rug then repacking it.  Meanwhile there were 13 damaged prints that wrinkled from the humidity at the show.  They all needed to be taken apart and replaced.  Our helper Lori out in a long day.   Then ALL of Saturday I was cutting 5 cases (79 pieces) of glass to fit my frames.  We are talking a glass cutter and a ruler!  I may or may not have found time to ride my bike...

THIS WEEKEND... you can find me here...
Can't beat a FREE show.   Booth #136

And... SAVE the DATE:

Monday, August 19, 2024

Mount Gretna break down...

What went up, must come down!

Let me say that watercolors do not like the damp air.  It was rather a rough weekend at Mount Gretna.  It rained Saturday morning, then cleared up but stayed overcast and muggy.  The show was full but much lower crowds than usual.  With forecasted bad storms for Sunday, on Saturday after the show I took half my stock out and rearranged my stand.  And of storms till after the show!   I personally did not do well and this has always been a great show for me.   My people were not out!  It felt a bit more contemporary to me.  We decided to wait to break down till Monday and let all the artist who had a long drive home get out.  We spent an hour last night  packing it all up, taking the panels down and just tarping it all.  Then this morning I humped to all to the van, drove home and unpacked the van!  I got my exercise today!  I am letting the paintings dry out a bit and Tuesday the girls will unpack and see the damage.  I know there are at least 5 prints that are too wavy to fix.

I did not have time to show you but I finished this beautiful painting to take to the show... and it is still available!

I am spending the afternoon working on my commission.  Been a busy day.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Mount Gretna Set up...

Mount Gretna Art Show; I have been exhibiting at this show since 1981!  Yes, 43 years.  Most of those years I had a double booth in the same location.   2019 I downsized to one space..

Ever wonder what goes into a show?
  By the time you see me I am sitting in my chair all relaxed without a care in the world!  BUT what you did not see is the hours of work before that.  Because I am local I was allowed an early set up.  I set up on Thursday and most artist come in on Friday making it a parking nightmare! This is one of my harder shows to set up.  You must dolly everything in, taking pretty much stamina!  Cart after cart must be unloaded from the van and pushed uphill to my space.  #210  

Once everything is piled next to my space I remove all the sticks and layout my rug.  This gets nails around to hold it down so you do not trip.

Now to get the tent together.  Its a bit like camping.  Poles go together then the top gets dragged on.

While its lower, I tighten the top, get my sign on, straps for the weights, put on 2 sets of awnings and zipper on the side tarps.

Then with a little muscle we raise it up.

Set up the panels, zip tie them together, add the covers, add the upper panels and fasten them to the tent frame.  All this makes one unit, better if there is wind. But if lots of wind I lose everything!

Add some stakes and 50 pound weights to each corner.

Because the show is not till Saturday we are not hanging any paintings.  Linda and I now have 4 hours into the set up.  Our treat for all this work is ice cream! 

Add to all this is the extra stress of possible bad weather...again.  Yes we have a good tent, but eventually there are drips from the zippers.  Watercolors will wrinkle in humidity and if it blows...  So do we take extra stock incase its a great show or downsize incase of rain.  Plus our van is parked a mile away! And as it has in the past, if it rains hard we get a stream of red mud through the tent!  This is not a lifestyle for the faint of heart!  But...I love it!
See you on Saturday, rain or shine.  Wear your wellies a bring an umbrella!

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

2024 Waterlily

SOLD!   $145. (unframed) 6x6” mini original watercolor
Available to the 1st person to email
(framing 8x10 $35 - shipping available at cost)
If unsold by 8/16 the price goes to $225.

A beautiful lily from a local plant store.

The weather is not looking great again for the weekend which means conversations on how much work to bring, how to stay dry, how to keep watercolors from absorbing the dampness; balanced with the fact that the sun may come out. and there will be huge crowds looking for a great selection of my paintings!
I set up on Thursday.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

2024 Still Life #41

mini original watercolor    $225.
From the rafters at Glendale Flour Mills.

I like to share how my clients display their Andy Smith paintings.  I don't usually like white frames however this painting looks great!

Monday, August 12, 2024

This weekend...Mount Gretna Show

I spent my day cutting mats and glass and picking up a load of frames.  No time to paint.  We are getting organized for this coming weekend at Mount Gretna.  

My booth is #210

Since I am busy and YOU took the time to read my blog...
I am offering one of my older mini originals
FREE to the 1st person to send an email and claim it!
If you are a past winner you are not eligible! 

2019 Harbour Night Lights"
  mini original watercolor, painted in 2019
from my miniature cruise series painted on the ship.
IMAGE:4 3/8 x 3 3/8”
framed in black wood 9x9”   Value $200 

- shipping available at cost-

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

2024 Landscape #19

 mini original watercolor $225.

More Lancaster County...

BIG Lititz Rotary Craft Show scheduled for Saturday.
Booth layout designed, framing done today, packed the paintings in boxes... now waiting to see what "Debbie" does. At this point in life, setting up in rain, sitting outside in ankle deep water, hanging on to my tent for dear life while the wind whips is not moving me! I cannot remember a show we did not set up in if we booked it, Linda never cancels.

This is funny but while typing, the phone rang and the Rotary cancelled the show!  Many people are complaining on Facebook but they don't understand what goes into this size show.  You cannot just move it to Sunday!  The permits, scheduling police, emergency crews, there is usually a big tactical unit bus.  Its not just rain on that day, there is flooding and parking to think about...  This is the Rotary's biggest fundraiser, they did not cancel lightly.  So glad I did not have to make that decision or listen to the complaining!

Saturday, Aug. 10 Lititz Rotary Craft Show...CANCELLED!
Everyone stay home and stay dry!

BUT... next week you can catch me at:

Saturday 8/10 UPDATE:

 While the BIG craft show was cancelled, the town merchants came together to do a little something special!

I will be exhibiting in the
Wilbur Chocolate Store Lot
from 9-4!  

Please tell ALL your friends to come out and support the town.

Monday, August 5, 2024

2024 Landscape #18

mini original watercolor  $225.

A bit of Lancaster County...