Tuesday, August 6, 2024

2024 Landscape #19

 mini original watercolor $225.

More Lancaster County...

BIG Lititz Rotary Craft Show scheduled for Saturday.
Booth layout designed, framing done today, packed the paintings in boxes... now waiting to see what "Debbie" does. At this point in life, setting up in rain, sitting outside in ankle deep water, hanging on to my tent for dear life while the wind whips is not moving me! I cannot remember a show we did not set up in if we booked it, Linda never cancels.

This is funny but while typing, the phone rang and the Rotary cancelled the show!  Many people are complaining on Facebook but they don't understand what goes into this size show.  You cannot just move it to Sunday!  The permits, scheduling police, emergency crews, there is usually a big tactical unit bus.  Its not just rain on that day, there is flooding and parking to think about...  This is the Rotary's biggest fundraiser, they did not cancel lightly.  So glad I did not have to make that decision or listen to the complaining!

Saturday, Aug. 10 Lititz Rotary Craft Show...CANCELLED!
Everyone stay home and stay dry!

BUT... next week you can catch me at:

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