mini original watercolor $225.
I started this drawing last week but got too busy to paint it. A simple pear with a knife setting on my ledge. The pear long gone! But, I needed to finish the painting.
Smith house update: We decided to take a last minute camping trip. Last Wednesday we took off for Happy Acres Resort in Waterville, PA. The word Resort was a misnomer, maybe in its hay day. It served our needs which were clean and quiet. And QUIET it was, NO cable so I could not watch the Olympics, NO internet so I could not stream music, and NO cell phone service so I could not check my messages. We were out there, in the mountains. I learned a lesson, always pack a book! We set up and had fantastic brisket at Mountain Top Provisions (17333 Coudersport Pike, Lock Haven, PA ) they do not have a website but trust me it was the best brisket I have ever had. It was cool enough at night to open the windows and listen to the crickets! Thursday we hit the Pine Creek Trail with the tandem. We rode from Waterville north to Slate Run. 15 miles, lunch at Hotel Manor which was disappointing although the root beer was good. Then 15 miles back. A total of 30 miles. A nice gravel trail in the valley which mainly follows the river and the mountains loom above. The trail had too many yellow gates to navigate around! Linda was back there taking photos... her legs better be peddling!
We had the trail mostly to ourselves which surprised me. Personally I think the best part of this trail is farther north through the PA Grand Canyon. The whole trail must be spectacular in fall with the turning leaves. Friday I painted and Linda read. We never left our little RV. I finished my small commission AND finished this fantastic piece. The plan was to hold it for my fall Open House. However I posted it on Instagram and it SOLD as soon as we got home.
"Neglected Beauty" framed 18x24 $3000.

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