Monday, November 14, 2016

Only 4 days till Open House!

If you have never been to Open House, and I would not admit that out loud!  When you first walk into the house we feature only the new work and anything I painted in 2016 on the right side.  On the left side is anything left from 2015.  This is not my doing!  Linda has a "thing" for featuring new work, causing me to work harder than I might if I was in charge of hanging the paintings!!  Into dining room there are fantastic homemade hors d'oeuvres for you to snack on.  The studio features all my prints, stacked with mat choices. Then out on the porch, which I recently enclosed just for Open House, are any paintings painted before 2015.  All that to say this morning we set up the porch and hung the paintings.

Labels were printed for the new paintings.  Linda put my new work on my website this afternoon but none of it is available to purchase until Friday at 2pm!  To be fair to everyone we do not open the doors or answer the phone till 2:00!  If you want to order an original you may call promptly at 2:00 on Friday, but wait till after Open House to order prints.

This little gem is 22x11 and will be waiting for you!

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