Thursday, September 30, 2010
Thursday check in...
the heavy rain we decided to wait until early
tomorrow morning. On our way to...
The Show:
Crafts at Rhinebeck
Held at the Dutchess County Fairgrounds
Rt. 9 in Rhinebeck, NY
Sat. 10-6 and Sun. 10-5
$7 admission but there is a coupon on their
Please tell all your friends in the Rhinebeck area
to stop out.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Shaker Sunset
house with the field and another building off
in the distance. I put a satin polymer over this
painting which gives it an oil painting finish.
Just something different.
My first 4-week class is finished and I will
be starting another one next week. I have room
in the Wed. morning and Wed. evening class
if you want to give it a try.
Also my Student Blog features this classes
paintings. Great classes, I enjoy them all.
In between, painting, painting and more painting.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Barn at Hale Farm #3
I do not know what it is about this farm but
I simply enjoy painting it... from every angle!
I started working on my Open House paintings.
This means I may not get as many blogs done
but I am painting daily. I finished a fabulous
amber bottle... but since I want to surprise you
at Open House, I am only showing you a small
corner of the painting...
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Shaker Still Life #5
9/1. I was interested in the subtle colors.
This time I added the window, giving a more
open feel.
There is a lot of commotion around here with
Linda working on the porches. She has her
brother doing repairs, Stacy working on sanding
Like little worker bees in fall!!
My job is to clean brushes and stick to my paint
table, I just try to stay out of the way so I am not
called into duty!
My show this weekend is in New Castle, DE.
Tell all your Delaware friends to come see me.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Barn at Hale Farm #2
A nice landscape study.
Tuesday means teaching two classes and
painting in between.
Monday, September 20, 2010
Shaker Bed
I am so glad beds have improved since the
1800's. This is a view of a Shaker bed.
I was concentrating on depth in a small space,
but enjoyed the wrinkles in the coverlet.
The good news: I worked on my lemons all weekend.
The bad news: I was concentrating so much I forgot
to take photos as I was going along... I am very sorry.
But they turned out perfect. I think it will be my new
print for open house.
Ok, to catch you up...
1) I darkened the background. There are 5 washes getting
gradually darker and drying in between.
2) Next came the table, leaving the shadow under the bowl
white paper, saving it for later. I used Burnt Umber,
Cad. Red and Perm. Rose, about 3 washes. I darkened the
area for the grain.
3) I moved up to the bowl. The left side is the white of the
paper with a big of Yellow Ochre. The right which has the
shadow is a mixture of Payne's Grey and Pthalo Blue. Then
I added a touch of Perm. Rose to blend the two sides.
4) The shadow on the table mirrors the colors in the bowl.
5) Finally, I went back into the lemons, darkening the right
side which is more in shadow.
This painting glows and I would not change a thing.
I am open to questions for artist... and comments from
clients. Votes for printing or not! Enjoy
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Waterlily Study #1
This is the first of the waterlilies from my trip to
Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens in DC. This
variety stood tall out of the water and I liked the
color. Not a color usually in my palette so it was
fun to work on. The pads were unusually large and
the next bud was tall and fat. The layout is my usual
"off center view", allowing you to finish it with your own
eye. I just can't do the center of the paper thing...
I took my van to get shocks and sat in the waiting
room, painting by blog while waiting.
Its good I am portable, sure saved my day.
Back to my lemons... don't worry, this is just
the underpainting, I did not ruin it. Trust me!!
Step 4: I added the general definition all the way to the
top lemon. I will go back into them a bit more later.
Step 5: The Background... I plan to make the background
very dark so the lemons really pop out. To get the textured
background I am looking for I start with a mixture of:
Cad. Yellow, Burnt Umber and Perm. Rose.
I worked it over with cross-hatched strokes.
I stopped here to photograph it but will finish filling it in.
I saved the top of the table and the bowl for later.
I am taking my time on this piece. Linda is considering
printing it so I am being more diligent. I have a good
day into the drawing ~ remember I stress a good drawing.
Two days into the lemons and a day into the beginning
background.... watercolor takes a bit of patience.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Fall Landscape
This was a demonstration study in trees
for my Wednesday class.
We spent the afternoon with my Mom having
a picnic and Bingo and Human Checkers!
Conestoga View did a nice job trying to make
everyone happy.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Shaker Village Landscape
This was a hot day in Kentucky at the Shaker
Village. The sun cast deep shadows across the
stone house. After so many interiors I went
with a landscape.
I had two classes today with my own painting
squeezed in! I really enjoy teaching and hope
my students are enjoying themselves.
I will be updating the student blog shortly.
My camera skills are off today, the background is
still very white paper, not sure what happened.
I continued painting in the definition on more lemons,
working my way up.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Monday check in...
to have work done on our porch which required
me to help clean it off. I also had to unpack and
layout all the wet tarps from Sundays wet show.
I had a new client visit at noon and it was my
pleasure to sell them a few paintings. Another
new client came at 5 to order a commission.
So it was a financially productive day, just not
painting productive. Oh, I forgot to tell you that
I won "favorite artist" award at Chadds Ford.
People walking around had to vote and I won
the most votes and $200!
Since I do not have a blog today I thought I would
share the painting I have been working on.
You can click on the photo to make it larger.
Step 1: my drawing... you can see the pencil lines
I consider this the most important part of my paintings.
Step 2: I started with thin washes of Cadmium Yellow
on all the lemons, painting around the areas I am
saving for highlights.
Step 3: I am now ready to go back into my lemons
with more depth and detail. Using a mixture of Cadmium
Orange and Permanent Rose I gradually painted in the
darker areas of the lemons, blending back into the yellow.
I stopped here. I will be doing this over all the lemons.
More to follow!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Friday Check in
however my day did not allow that to happen.
I spent the morning packing the van, then
visited my Mom, then drove to Chadds Ford
to set up. So I decided to do a Blog Special
choosing a print that reflects the American Dream.
A cozy house with a picket fence...

A special offer of $25.00.
The image is 12"x16". This is 50% off the regular
price of $50.00. This offer is good until Sunday
night 9/12 at 9pm . You may pick it up at the studio
or have it shipped for $8.
Frame it: My usual framing in a 17"x 21" frame, add $50.
Payment: cash, check, MasterCard, Visa, Pay Pal...
To order: email or call 717-627-3383
We are showing in Chadds Ford all weekend so just
leave me a message and we will handle it on Monday!
The Show:
Chadds Ford Days
Held on the grounds of the Historical Society Barn
Visitors Center at 1736 Creek Rd, Chadds Ford, PA
FREE parking and FREE admittance ~ 10am-5pm
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Two new paintings...
time finishing the two larger paintings I had
been working on. They will be on display
this weekend at Chadds Ford Days.
"On Display" 18"x 24" Watercolor ~ $1800.00
Two ordinary jugs setting in the sunshine.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Shaker Still Life #4
I was obsessed with these wood buckets.
I stood there watching them for quite a while.
There were four of them setting on the floor, in a
corner. Sunlight from a window kept dancing
across them, changing the tone and colors.
I have plans to paint it larger but I was pretty
excited to start the study.
My first week of classes is complete. New students
give such rapt attention and hang on my every word!
I enjoy teaching and hope it passes to my students.
I will be putting their completed works on the student
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
2010 Shaker Basket
A simple basket study.
My classes started today so I have been
super busy. Another class in the morning.
to take to the Chadds Ford Show. I will share
them later in the week.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Hale Farm Landscape
While yesterdays blog was a study in dark
values today is a study in greens. This is the
Hale Farm in Ohio and I love all the lush
landscape. A stone pathway and the fence
gives a perspective.
I am exhibiting this weekend at:
September 4 & 5 (Now 2 days!)
Heart of Lancaster Art & Craft Show
Held at Roots Market, 705 Greystone Rd
Manheim, PA ! Rain or shine!
FREE admission and FREE parking!
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Shaker Still Life #3
This little gem was from the herb room at
the Shaker Village. I loved all the dark values
of the wood. The mortar and pestle catch your
eye first because of the strong blue. But as you
take your time studying you notice all the
wood boxes setting on the table. The key is
to not get it all muddy!
Studio Price means the price I will be putting on
the painting if it does not sell on eBay. This price
includes the frame. I thought it would help to
post a value.
Question... Are you seeing a difference in my
photos? I have used my lightbox for the last
3 paintings...