Thursday, September 10, 2009

Saint-Fort-sur-Gironde, France

4"x6" Original Watercolor

This is the town our wedding was held in.
It is simply a pleasant back yard scene.
The demonstration...
Part 11 - the window
I used a pencil and drew around the negative
areas (the white parts) so I knew what I wanted
to save. I started in the center row, using
Cad. Red and Cad Yellow, I did a light wash, drying
well. Then for the bottom panes I mixed Hookers
Green and yellow in a wash. Drying and adding
several layers of the mixture getting darker green
and layering shades as I go. Pushing in texture
by adding Pthalo Green and Burnt Umber. For the
top panes I used the same mixture and made it
thinner (more water) and added a touch of
Paynes Grey. To finish the flowers, a thin mixture
of Cobalt Blue and Per. Rose to touch up around
the flowers, darker in the bottom paynes. Around the
window I used Paynes Grey to intensify the white.
This step took several hours, a wash then dry it,
another wash and dry it... taking my time and building
the washes. You can click over the photo to have a
larger view.

The final painting...

15"x17" image
Suggestions for a title are welcome!!


Anonymous said...

My suggestion for your as yet untitled picture is "Parlor View". It's beautiful!

Judybec said...

"The Window Seat" or
"Seat by the Window"
Love your treatment of the glass!