Monday, March 30, 2009

Ladderback #5

4"x 6" original watercolor

The effect of creating depth on a
flat two dimensional plane has
always fascinated me. These two
ladderback chairs are another
attempt at doing so. I have used
light and texture to my advantage.

I have been painting subjects from
around my house but these are not
my chairs, I wish they were. They
came to me by way of a friend.
Although I have paintedl adderbacks
in my paintings often.

It was to wet and cold for my
bike ride so I started right in on my
painting. I must confess that track is
taking up quite a bit of my time. I stayed
after practice to watch our high school
kids run. I have a vested interest...
many were once my runners!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I KNEW he'd paint these first!! Excellent. Joan