Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Commission, #2

Personal Thoughts:  I was thinking about the bit of anxiety I have about this commission.  Even after 45 years of painting and I am pretty confident in my watercolor skills, this one is causing a bit of anxiety.  More because the clients are important to me and this has very special meaning to them and I want them to be thrilled.  That puts more pressure on me.

Painting thoughts for those of you trying to paint... My big advice is, SLOW DOWN.  I worked 7 hours on 2 little ribbons.  Building the color, paying attention to the shadows, one thin wash over another.

The ribbons. I started with the darker purple.  It would be easy to make this a muddy purple mess! I needed to understand the flow (tie) of the ribbon, where the darkest and lightest shades are. If you go back to my drawing there was only a basic outline, nothing to show shading.  That is why it is so important to understand your subject.
Close up view.

This is an overall view.

Next is the lighter ribbon.  Same thinking.  Slow build only lighter shade.
Close up view

OK, here is where I am stopping for the day.  My eyes are tired!

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