Sunday, December 8, 2024

2024 Holiday #3

SOLD!  $145. (unframed) 6x4” mini original watercolor
Available to the 1st person to email
(framing 10x8 $35 - shipping available at cost)
If unsold by 12/10 the price goes to $225

A scene from Gettysburg with artistic license adding the star and wreath.

Did I mention BUSY?!?  Linda knows how to pack a day, a week!  Last Tuesday we went with friends to Hershey Theater to see Hamilton. I LOVED it and could see it again. Then left Wednesday morning with other friends for a few days in Gettysburg. Started with a good lunch at Blue & Gray Bar & Grill then a little drive around the battlefield and a stop at the Visitors center bookstore. We stayed at an Air BnB that Linda found that had a wood burning fireplace. So we had Jersey Mikes subs and a late night fire. I did a little painting, the girls started a Christmas puzzle and John read. Thursday was our rest day. Fire all day and just hung out.  Linda loves a wood fire.   Friday we had tickets to the Christmas tour at the Shriver House. Then "An Evening with the Painting" a behind the scenes program of the Cyclorama. That was fantastic, especially for an artist. Loved it and highly recommend it. Started with a lecture, then went behind and close up to the painting, followed by a viewing in the round.

Here is the 4 of us at the cyclorama.
Followed by a very good dinner at Garryowen Irish Pub.  I had fish & chips, Linda had shepherds pie and it felt like Ireland!  Saturday we checked out and headed to the Eisenhower Farm for a Christmas tour then home to laundry and mail and phone calls!

Sunday Linda and I framed and boxed orders so they could go out on Monday.

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