mini original watercolor $300.
This is a practice window for a larger painting. It is from Stratford Hall in VA. I love the harmony of the colors.
Meanwhile its crazy busy here. I am painting. There is lots of mat cutting and framing going on in the studio. Supplies are coming in daily. We still cannot find a replacement cream matboard. Getting some new samples on Friday but not feeling confident. Menus are spread out on the table but decisions have not been made. The painter and carpenter are in and out but the house is still not finished so the furniture is not put back and Linda has to wait to start setting up the panels. It is getting down to the wire. Linda WAS calm...
$145. (unframed) 4x6” mini original watercolor
$145. (unframed) 4x6” mini original watercolor
Available to the 1st person to email
(framing $35 - shipping available at cost)
If unsold by 10/19 the price goes to $250
I took an early morning bike ride and saw this fall view and needed to paint it. It called to me. I will be back to a pumpkin tomorrow!
$135. (unframed) 4x6” mini original watercolor
Planning on a few more pumpkins this week.
Over the weekend I cut several cases of glass and cut the mats for some finished new paintings. Linda was working on cutting mat board and figuring out frame and supply orders. We partied through the weekend. Started with Thursday night dinner with Hildebrands. Friday night we spent with Linda's brother Jimmy and his wife Trinket who were up visiting from Newport News, VA. It was nice for Linda to have time with her brothers. Saturday night we had pizza with our travel buddies the Linns and the Woodruffs. Sunday I painted and Linda cleaned.