SOLD! $145. (unframed) 5x5” mini original watercolor
Available to the 1st person to email
(framing $35 - shipping available at cost)
If unsold by 2/16 the price goes to $250
Look at the shine on this pottery! NO white paint was used. I love when I can pull it off!
Commission Update: Finally getting to start the fun part. Underpainting, in watercolor each thin layer of paint stains the paper, allowing all the washes (layers) to bleed through. Giving my painting rich dark values. I will add MANY layers of color before this is finished.

House Update: Our cottage is ready to rent... Looking for an older single person for our small cottage. One bedroom, behind our house. The park is 1/2 block and 1 block to downtown Lititz. $1000. a month plus utilities. Fresh paint, new flooring, great kitchen cabinets, stove, fridge, stackable washer/dryer included. Street parking. No smoking... Trying to rent by friend reference without advertising! So if you know someone who wants to live in Lititz...spread the word!

Cute little cottage, view from my backyard

quality kitchen cabinets (lots more than shown)


Living room

Bathroom with large closet.
All updated and ready for a special person.