My latest painting... 20x22" untitled!
Available on 11/22 at Open House
I did not blog all week because I am concentrating
on my larger paintings. Painting all day till late at night.
Some really good work is being accomplished!
I can't wait to show it all.
Important: At one of my classes we had an
emergency and needed to call 911. I now see
how very important it is to have a card in your wallet
with whom to call in an emergency. A home and
cell number and relationship. Do not assume we
can find it on your cell phone. Get it in your wallet.
And please answer your cell if you are someones caretaker!!
AND also very important (maybe on the back of this
card or on a separate card) you need a list of meds
you are taking. Med name, dose and times to take it.
I had no idea of her meds and the ambulance really
needed this info and she was in no condition to
remember. So please do this tonight, it is so very
important. FYI, my student is doing OK.
Lots happening here. Several deliveries of
supplies are coming through the door...feels like
daily! (tape, hooks and screws, mattboard, foamboard,
framer points, plastic bags, and lots of moulding length)
Frames coming every week. Lots of mat cutting
and framing going on. The new print came yesterday
so I am numbering and signing 200! They look great!
Invites came this morning. 6600 of them!
I am told we are on schedule... My job is to paint.
This weekend I will be at:
Carlisle Expo Center at 100 K Street,
Carlisle, PAExhibiting with the Yellow Breeches
Chapter of the Guild
Saturday and Sunday from 10 to 5
$5 admission
Friday, October 25, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
new painting...
Finished, this took me over a week of non
stop painting... Layers and layers of washes.
Lots of bricks!
18x24 Untitled....
Not available till Open House.
No blog today because I wanted to finished
this painting. Visited my Mom and packed the
van. Set up for the weekend show is tomorrow,
and they are being printed as we speak.
Also the tear sheets for the new print were
proofed. More framing was done. Linda shoots
for a minimum of 5-6 framed of each of my
older prints. That is a lot of framing and I still
have shows so I am selling as she is framing!
stop painting... Layers and layers of washes.
Lots of bricks!
18x24 Untitled....
Not available till Open House.
No blog today because I wanted to finished
van. Set up for the weekend show is tomorrow,
Open House update:
Linda finished the proofs for the invitationand they are being printed as we speak.
Also the tear sheets for the new print were
proofed. More framing was done. Linda shoots
for a minimum of 5-6 framed of each of my
older prints. That is a lot of framing and I still
have shows so I am selling as she is framing!
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Fall Series #2
5"x 5" miniature original watercolor
Apples on the tree. Nothing says Fall
to me like apple season!!
I had a class this morning and painted all day.
Linda took her Step-Dad for cataract surgery.
This weekend is my last outdoor show:
Crafts in the Meadow ~ Oct. 19-20
Held at Tyler State Park at 10 Stable Mill Trail
Richboro, PA 10am to 5pm
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Fall Series #1
6"x 4" miniature
original watercolor
My first "fall" painting. It is actually from the
Shaker Village in MA from last year.
Busy day here. I had a class this morning.
Ran a few quick errands. Went to watch them
print my new prints... they look fabulous!
Always exciting to stand there and watch.
Meanwhile, Linda is having computer problems.
Not sure what is going on, not sure she knows
what is going on! Tonight Linda is headed to yoga
and I have an evening class.
My first "fall" painting. It is actually from the
Shaker Village in MA from last year.
Busy day here. I had a class this morning.
Ran a few quick errands. Went to watch them
print my new prints... they look fabulous!
Always exciting to stand there and watch.
Meanwhile, Linda is having computer problems.
Not sure what is going on, not sure she knows
what is going on! Tonight Linda is headed to yoga
and I have an evening class.
Monday, October 14, 2013
Check in
I started my day with a dentist appointment, I am pleased
to report, no cavities!
to report, no cavities!
No mini blog painting today although I did spend some
time thinking about one for tomorrow. Linda wants me
to stay with Fall themes! I am on day four working on a
painting with lots of bricks!
Meanwhile this is one I finished last week.
14x18" Original Watercolor ~ Available at Open House! Title?time thinking about one for tomorrow. Linda wants me
to stay with Fall themes! I am on day four working on a
painting with lots of bricks!
Meanwhile this is one I finished last week.
Open House Update:I painted all day but stopped to cut a case of glass and cut
the mats for 5 finished original paintings. I get a kick out of
cutting them myself. The girls can cut and frame the prints
but I love doing my originals.
Linda was finishing the changes to the invitation. Color was
tweaked and some wording changed. Now waiting on the final
copy. She was also emailing with the mailing people working
on dates to mail. They are going with some combination of
Presort Standard and Presort First Class mailing out on
different dates. Hopefully this will solve the problem of late
mailings. I know Linda is worried, but using a mailing house
relieves her of so much extra exhausting work. The problems
are not with the mailing house but with the post office.
New plastic bags for unframed prints came today and Linda
worked on getting some together. Foam backing board gets
cut to fit inside the bags with the print, a print sticker and a
price sticker and then put in the correct storage box in print
number order. Nothing is easy!
Three large piles of mats were cut and I see Linda has several
piles of framing ready for tomorrow. And to top that off she
has some problem with the computer not downloading PDF files.
I am quoting here cause it is beyond my pay grade!
Friday, October 11, 2013
2013 Pumpkin #5
6"x 4" miniature
original watercolor $225
I did it... a pumpkin every day this week!
I was glued to my desk most of the day and am painting
till mid-night most nights. Here is another finished
painting for Open House and your wish list!
The perspective of the brick wall gives you the basis
for depth. A view from historic Portsmouth, VA.
I really enjoyed painting this. Check out the glow of the lights
at the door. Remember I use NO white paint!!
I did it... a pumpkin every day this week!
I was glued to my desk most of the day and am painting
till mid-night most nights. Here is another finished
painting for Open House and your wish list!
The perspective of the brick wall gives you the basis
for depth. A view from historic Portsmouth, VA.
I really enjoyed painting this. Check out the glow of the lights
at the door. Remember I use NO white paint!!
24x18" original... needs a title!
Thursday, October 10, 2013
2013 Pumpkin #4
6"x 4" miniature original watercolor
Pumpkin #4
Mini pumpkins on a deck.
Mini pumpkins on a deck.
It was hard getting this done today.
I had a few errands to run and a visit with
my Mom. But I was determined not to
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
2013 Pumpkin #3
4"x 6" miniature
original watercolor SOLD!
Another pumpkin...
I stayed up till almost midnight to finish this
painting. I am so excited about it. I was a bit
intimidated about the chalkboard. Using NO
white paint, No maskoid, just my skills! With
these long skinny paintings the perspective has
to be perfect. The scene is from my trip to
Waterford, VA. This is for open house so no
early sales but you can put it on your wish list!!
framed: 11x22" title suggestions?
I stayed up till almost midnight to finish this
painting. I am so excited about it. I was a bit
intimidated about the chalkboard. Using NO
white paint, No maskoid, just my skills! With
these long skinny paintings the perspective has
to be perfect. The scene is from my trip to
Waterford, VA. This is for open house so no
early sales but you can put it on your wish list!!
framed: 11x22" title suggestions?
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
2013 Pumpkin #2
4"x 6" miniature
original watercolor SOLD!
My second pumpkin for the week...
October classes started this morning.
Excellent morning class. Painted all
afternoon and I have an evening class.
Linda was at her desk all day working on
paperwork. A supply order came and
some framing was done
Open House update:
Another huge expense at open house is
postage. Imagine 6300 invitations at .46
Last year we used a mailing house and
saved money but over half the invites were
delivered after open house! That's the post
office for you. So Linda is again trying to
work with the mailing house and figure out
how to make it all work. Glad that's not my
My second pumpkin for the week...
October classes started this morning.
Excellent morning class. Painted all
afternoon and I have an evening class.
Linda was at her desk all day working on
paperwork. A supply order came and
some framing was done
Open House update:
Another huge expense at open house is
postage. Imagine 6300 invitations at .46
Last year we used a mailing house and
saved money but over half the invites were
delivered after open house! That's the post
office for you. So Linda is again trying to
work with the mailing house and figure out
how to make it all work. Glad that's not my
Monday, October 7, 2013
2013 Pumpkin #1
5"x 5" miniature original watercolor $225.00
I am planning a week of pumpkin paintings!
Open House update:
It feels to soon to start a countdown to Open House
however things are happening...
1) Decision has been made on the new print and I am
pretty excited. Dropped it off at the printer this morning.
Signed the printing contract and now wait till they call
me to see a color seperations.
Remember all my prints are 4-color lithographs.
"BOUNTY" framed 24x18 $125.
We will also have 4 new Holiday Mini Prints...
will show them later.
2) Linda was at the printer we use for the invitation.
I have not seen anything yet.
3) Copy for the tear sheet for the new print has been written.
4) frames and mat board are coming in at a rapid rate.
5) money is going out at a rapid rate!
6) I am painting up a storm. I have so much I want to
paint and am very excited. I will share the new paintings
as I finish them but remember, none will be for sale
until Open House
November 22, 23, 24
Plan a day in Lititz!
I am planning a week of pumpkin paintings!
Open House update:
It feels to soon to start a countdown to Open House
however things are happening...
1) Decision has been made on the new print and I am
pretty excited. Dropped it off at the printer this morning.
Signed the printing contract and now wait till they call
me to see a color seperations.
Remember all my prints are 4-color lithographs.
We will also have 4 new Holiday Mini Prints...
will show them later.
2) Linda was at the printer we use for the invitation.
I have not seen anything yet.
3) Copy for the tear sheet for the new print has been written.
4) frames and mat board are coming in at a rapid rate.
5) money is going out at a rapid rate!
6) I am painting up a storm. I have so much I want to
paint and am very excited. I will share the new paintings
as I finish them but remember, none will be for sale
until Open House
November 22, 23, 24
Plan a day in Lititz!
Thursday, October 3, 2013
back home...
We started our trip last Thursday with a stop at
Storm King. Excited to see it in fall. I love the
landscape here. If you like sculpture make this a
must see. Ride the tram to see it all. Huge sculptures.

Storm King. Excited to see it in fall. I love the
landscape here. If you like sculpture make this a
must see. Ride the tram to see it all. Huge sculptures.

Next stop was Austerlitz, NY where we
made a campground home for 5 chilly nights.
I will say we slept well, went to bed early each
night. Much needed rest for both of us.
The show was at one of my favorite places.
Two full days surrounded with Shaker and
wonderful landscapes. I have 300 new photos
that I can't wait to paint. Monday was Linda's
extra day to rest while I painted. Surrounded
by the Berkshires, leaves turning as I sat there.
Not ready to head back to reality!!
Tuesday was pack up the camper and head home.
We stopped at the Walkway Over the Hudson.
Something Linda has wanted to do since it opened.
I think it was less exciting than she thought. It
is a 3 mile round trip walk across the bridge. It was
hot... leaves not turned as yet... The view was exciting
for the first 10 minutes! But we did the whole thing.

made a campground home for 5 chilly nights.
I will say we slept well, went to bed early each
night. Much needed rest for both of us.
The show was at one of my favorite places.
Two full days surrounded with Shaker and
wonderful landscapes. I have 300 new photos
that I can't wait to paint. Monday was Linda's
extra day to rest while I painted. Surrounded
by the Berkshires, leaves turning as I sat there.
Not ready to head back to reality!!
Tuesday was pack up the camper and head home.
We stopped at the Walkway Over the Hudson.
Something Linda has wanted to do since it opened.
I think it was less exciting than she thought. It
is a 3 mile round trip walk across the bridge. It was
hot... leaves not turned as yet... The view was exciting
for the first 10 minutes! But we did the whole thing.

You are up pretty high...
Home late Tuesday night and into high gear to get
ready for Porchwalk. Laundry, empty the van, Mow,
trim, sweep, clear off the porch, clean the studio, tidy
the house, visit my Mom, grocery shopping, pumpkin
and mum hunt. Linda and helpers made lunch for our
artisans, they were in the kitchen all day...
Porchwalk: Friday and Saturday from 10 to 5. FREE!
Start at my studio (stop #6)
In my yard you can see pottery, jewelry, folk art, felted
wool purses and ME! All great stuff... FREE!!
I have brochures to show where else to go...
spend the day in Lititz!
Home late Tuesday night and into high gear to get
ready for Porchwalk. Laundry, empty the van, Mow,
trim, sweep, clear off the porch, clean the studio, tidy
the house, visit my Mom, grocery shopping, pumpkin
and mum hunt. Linda and helpers made lunch for our
artisans, they were in the kitchen all day...
Porchwalk: Friday and Saturday from 10 to 5. FREE!
Start at my studio (stop #6)
In my yard you can see pottery, jewelry, folk art, felted
wool purses and ME! All great stuff... FREE!!
I have brochures to show where else to go...
spend the day in Lititz!
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