Monday, January 12, 2009

Winter Series #8

6"x 4" original watercolor

I am back to winter. This is truly
a snow scene. I hope I was able to
capture the feeling of snow falling
to almost white out conditions. I
was attracted to the red barn standing
in the middle of all that white. There is
a fence leading you into the painting
to the hint of buildings and trees in
the background.

When I look at the 5 paintings that are
currently on eBay I get a little thrill thinking
they are mine, such a variety of subjects and
I think the quality is at an all time high. The
pottery is my favorite, the detail I was able

to achieve with watercolor surprises even me!
Remember you can always click over the
painting to enlarge it and study it closer.
I spent most of my day working on my
commission. Then switched to my blog
piece at 5pm. Four solid no fooling around
hours but I am pleased with it. I have
classes to teach tomorrow so that means
staying focused in order to get my own
painting in.

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