Goodmorning, I needed to give an update early
today since we are off to Ohio in a few minutes.
Family stuff: My mother fell on Saturday. She is ok
except her pride and badly skinned knees. Her
caretaker was equally shook up! Mom's 85th birthday is
next week. Sunday we visited Abbey in Washington DC.
They have a cute little apartment in a nice neighborhood.
We took them to Ikea, then dinner and a metro ride to
the Natl. Portrait Museum. Linda wanted to see the
Presidents portraits. It was inspiring. We had a very
good day. It was the first week of summer vacation for
Jason. We are not used to having him home all day!
We planned a neighborhood sleepover in the back yard, of
course it they ended up inside...
Let's just say we survived!
Painting: I felt flat this week. Just did not feel like working
but had to. I finally got it together with the garden painting.
Which is a strong little painting and Linda did not want to put it
on the blog, but I did not have anything else to put on, so its there.
Take time to study it and bid!!
Show: We are off in a few minutes, we have a 6 hour
drive and then set up. I usually do well here and
the quality is nice.
15th Annual Worthington Art Festival
held on the Village Green in Olde Worthington, Ohio
Sat 10-6 and Sun 11-5
I'll be back on Monday night....