Here are the new prints...

Today was cooking prep day for Linda and her helpers. Cheese and meats are ready. Toffee pretzels and Chex mix were made. Linda woke with a red itchy eye and the girls were worried she had pink eye so we spent 2 hours at Urgent Care to find its only allergies! Meanwhile, I took our van to be looked at for a bit of work scheduled for next week, blew some leaves and washed off the front porch and sat with Linda at Urgent Care! It is 6pm and planning on a quiet evening.
Two more originals waiting for Friday at 2PM!
I worked till 10:30 last night and was back at it today.
Filling in the back row and adding trees to the foreground.
Open House Update: 15 days to go...
The girls are still cutting mats and framing. Supplies are still coming in. Linda has the menu together. Not easy, she has to think of things to serve cold, it needs to set out for 3 hours at a time (then get pitched and refreshed) and for an unknown number of people. I am so glad its not my job or it would be cheese and crackers! Today we went to Costco for the staples. This took over 2 hours, and a 2 page list of items, I simply follow behind and push the cart! We picked up the wine and along with the usual hot wassail I think she is planning on Apple Pie Sangria. I will say she seems overly excited about this! After going to 3 stores hunting for the perfect napkins and none meeting up to some hidden idea that I could not fathom, Amazon came through. We moved the sales check out from the back room of the studio to the small room off the kitchen. Linda wanted something different. I saw "hose off the front porch" on the to-do list but I pointed out that every time the leaf guys go through there is a cloud of dirt and dust...I am not sure she heard me! I am still painting and am very happy with how that is going, it is flowing off my brush.
For your wish list, Featuring...