SOLD! $145 (unframed) 4x6” mini original watercolor
Available to the 1st person to email
(framing 8x10 $35 - shipping available at cost)
If unsold by 3/19 the price goes to $225.
This big guy was spotted in Fort Lauderdale, FL
We had several hours after getting off ship and flying home so we returned to our new favorite coffee shop, Kay Rico and then took a self guided tour of
Bonnet House. A bit of preserved history surrounded by sky scrapers.
We all came home with a bit of a cough while Linda's became bronchitis. She got meds and is doing better.
This past Friday was the passing of
Mr. Donecker, owner of Doneckers in Ephrata. Linda was a Donecker Girl when we met. If you knew the store you understand what this means. She worked there in the late 70's early 80's. and there was a fun core of young people in their early 20's working that are still friends today. Linda always credits Mr. D. with teaching her about the customer, who is always right and business ethics.