SOLD!$135. (unframed) 5x5” mini original watercolor
Available to the 1st person to
email(framing $35 - shipping available at cost)
If unsold by 7/22 the price goes to $225
You know I love a moon painting!
Update: We are back home after a hot weekend in Winterthur, DE. In an effort to use our RV a little more we went a day ahead, set up camp and met my brother Carl and his wife Beth for dinner at our favorite restaurant
"Lemoncello". then stopped to see our niece Sarah's new apartment. Friday we had a 10am set up and then met our friend Joan for a late lunch at
Antica in Chadds Ford, PA. Excellent meal! We showed Saturday and Sunday and even I have to admit it was hot and humid. Monday was a camping rest day. Tuesday, back home by noon. Dropped off the RV, unpacked the van, Linda did 3 loads of laundry, shop vac the new kitchen and then we fell in a heap on the sofa.
While we were away, work on our new kitchen continued. They knocked a hole in the wall and put in our new doors leading into the back yard

Also the start of crown moulding on the cabinets.

Trying to temper our excitement because we have a long way to go!
We are home a week as part of our every other week show schedule. But don't worry, we are staying busy, I have blogs to paint and I did get a bike ride in and Linda put 3 hours in the garden before it got too hot.