2017 Holiday #1 ~ 5"x 5" Miniature Original Watercolor
$150 (unframed) to the first person to email me.
available till 7pm Wednesday and if unsold it will go on my
show stand at $300!
This little scene is from Main Street, Lititz.
Studio Update: Open House was another success. There are still plenty of Original painting left for you to pick from and we restocked all the prints. Check my
website. You may visit the studio over the holidays, just give me a call 717-627-3383 to make sure I'm here. We are also still filling shipping orders but don't wait much longer!
Family Update: Right after Open House we took a one week cruise with our friends the Hildebrands. We were celebrating their anniversary and wanted a bit of a rest for Linda. We sailed on the Norwegian Breakaway from NY to Bahamas. Here we are on Cocoa Beach, FL

The next big thing on our plate is Linda is having hip replacement surgery on December 14th and then three months later a knee replacement. She inherited bad joints.
So I'm in charge in the studio, actually, I am totally in charge!!