Monday, October 14, 2024

2024 Pumpkin #1

$145. (unframed) 4x6” mini original watercolor
Available to the 1st person to email
(framing 8x10 $35 - shipping available at cost)
If unsold by 10/16 the price goes to $225.

I wanted to paint a few pumpkins...

News: I won a Peoples Choice Award at the Art Show this past Saturday. THANK YOU to everyone who voted for me. It was a nice surprise.

Health Update: I have a 15 month check up. I can't believe I have been clear 15 months! A clear Cat Scan last week, Today was bloodwork and Oncologist. He said everything looks good. Wednesday I have an internal. Then I am good till January.

Meanwhile over the weekend I finished these. Put these on your wish list for Open House!
Save the Date, Plan to stop at my Open House and visit Lititz!  Nov. 22-24

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Playing Catch-up

Day 2 of trying to catch up while getting organized for our up coming Open House.  44 days away but there is SO much planning that goes into it.  SO many framing supplies that need ordered, SO many matts that need cut!  I am painting larger paintings but will get back to a few blogs next week.  Linda has been at her desk.  We went to proof the new Holiday print, looks great and I should have them tomorrow.  That means more framing!   I confess, I squeezed in a bike ride this morning!

I have one more show this Saturday:

Open House Update: November 22-24  
save the date and plan to come to Lititz!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Weekend Recap...

Weekend recap:
We left Thursday for Waterford VA, stopping in Leesburg at our favorite bakery.

We had a beautiful Air BnB for 4 nights in a spring house.

This was our view.  IF only we had more time to enjoy it but we were out at dawn and back after 6:30pm each day.

We had a great show with beautiful weather.  Back home Monday late afternoon to unpacking and laundry, a trip to the store and a pile of mail.  Today the lawn needed mowed and I picked up my new prints.  Can't share them till later.  I just finished signing and numbering them.  Linda is getting the framing organized.

Over the weekend I finished this painting.  A scene from Obidos Portugal.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Back home for 2 days...

We just spent 10 days in Portugal with friends.  I will give details later but wanted to check in.


This was a tour with Food and Wine Vacations and there was a LOT of food and wine!

A cooking class...that's my bro on the right!

A cork factory

A little bread making...

We were home Monday afternoon, unpacked, started laundry and suddenly I had a bloody nose. Actually it was running out like a faucet opened. I tried everything to stop it, after 30 minutes and still bad we went to the ER. Our house looked like a crime scene! They got it stopped and cauterized. Probably from the head cold I have and the plane ride.

Oct. 4-6  Waterford, VA (great show)

NEW show...

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Portugal and Waterford, VA coming up...

It is amazing what you can accomplish in only 3 days. Linda looked up and realized we would be away during the time she would normally get things organized for our annual open house and miss some deadlines. So she scrambled! There were decisions on what we were printing, painting titles to come up with and sizes to confirm. Met with the printer to print the mini Christmas print and the invitations. Proofs will be ready when we return. Also took the TWO new paintings to a different printer today and again, proofs will be ready. Two different frame orders were sent in. Lined up work for our two helpers for while we are away. Arranged for our colonial garb and find the garb we have that we need for the Waterford show AND paintings packed for Waterford because we have a 2 day turn around! This hectic schedule was not my doing!

Then there is the anxiety of packing for 10 days in an overhead size suitcase... made harder when you like choices! Me, I can wear the same thing over and over!!

A client sent a photo of the print they just bought at last weeks show in Ludwigs Corner. They hung it right by the front door so everyone can see it! They are very happy!

Not sure when I can post again...

Monday, September 16, 2024

Busy, busy

We are working on Linda's bucket list. Sept 10-12  Our adventure took us to the Kinzua Bridge in Kane PA. We walked out to the end...  The trees are dusky but not turning colors.  This would be spectacular in a few weeks but also packed with people!

We checked into our cabin in Wapiti Woods in Weedsville, PA. A very quiet little place. You park in the lot and use these big covered wagons to bring your stuff to your cabin. I am already skilled at hauling stuff!

These signs you don't get to see in Lancaster!

Next is our Elk adventure.  Our 1st evening was at the visitors center where we saw elk at a distance.  Great with binoculars and you could hear them.

We were up the next morning at sunrise, hiking up a hill to a lookout and it was so heavy with fog you could not see anything BUT we could hear them below us.  They were bugling and snorting.  We sat for an hour but it was not clearing.  So we walked the mile loop and went for breakfast.  That evening at dusk we hiked back up the hill.  This time we could see the fields but the elk were somewhere else.  The viewing time is short.  Not wanting to give up we tried one more time at dawn, back to the same spot but no elk.   So we did see and hear them but not like Linda was hoping for...

We then had a fast turn around, home one day to repack for our show in Ludwigs Corner.  Left Friday for set up.  We spent the weekend with our good friend Joan.  Had 2 dinners at Limoncello with leftovers for tonight!  Spent the weekend showing.  I finished a painting.

We got home last night to laundry, organizing, pay some bills, buy a lawnmower, repair some boxes to carry paintings, pick up 2 puzzles Linda bought on Marketplace, answer a week of get the idea.  Our cats think the house sitter is their new owner!
But for excitement we are keeping this pace,  we leave again shortly for Portugal with 2 days home and then a show in Waterford VA!  So do not panic if I am not blogging...

Monday, September 9, 2024

Checking In...

I managed to finish a Christmas card painting for a client, so it is ready to go to the printer. Friday we went to Millbach Homestead for some new fall material to paint. We usually go at Christmas, they have decorations and antiques.   While in that direction we purchased a used canopy from a friend who is no longer showing. Then stopped at a plant place and came home with a few new plants. Linda is reworking the gardens. Saturday, you guessed it, I had holes to dig. We put in a little addition to the side walk where it was too narrow to walk and planted.

In the evening we went to Crossroads Wine Shop in Carlisle, PA. They had a great band playing 70-80"s and we danced...a lot. Nice venue for live music. (you can find them on Facebook) Today was pedicures and I had an eye check up (all good) , then groceries. In typical Linda style, we are heading to Benezette, PA to (hopefully) hear the Elk bugle. Who knew that was a thing! Google it. I will share our findings!

Don't forget, this weekend you can find me at:
Ludwigs Corner
Saturday & Sunday from 10 to 5
1326 Pottstown Pike, Glenmoore, PA
FREE!! great quality, Space#113

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

2024 Sunflower #5

SOLD!  $145. (unframed) 4x6” mini original watercolor
Available to the 1st person to email
(framing 8x10 $35 - shipping available at cost)
If unsold by 9/6 the price goes to $225

Sunflowers for sale!

next weekend you can find me here:
September 14-15 from 10 to 5
1326 Pottstown Pike, Glenmoore PA
Space 113
great quality!  more info

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

2024 Sunflower #4

original watercolor  $225
This one is a little looser than what I usually do...
Just experimenting.

I had a good weekend at Heart of Lancaster show but there was some rain so Monday I had to labor... all the tent, tarps and rugs needed to be laid out to dry,  AGAIN.   We then went to Fox Meadows for lunch with our friend Bonnie and back to her house so I could tweak her bike and we went for a short spin.  Just a little confidence building.  Back home and I managed a bike ride before dark.  Then we hit the sofa, Linda was watching Monsieur Spade on Netflix  I saw some of it between dozing.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

2024 Sunflower #3

mini original watercolor  $225
Lancaster County...

I took our daughters car to the garage on the other side of Ephrata and had a nice long bike ride back home!  Finished packing for Fridays set up and painted.