I was not able to paint today because I left
early to set up for my show in New Jersey.
This week I was able to finish my large Bittersweet
painting and get 3 blog pieces done plus keep up
with my teaching schedule. It may not sound like
much but I was hustling.
Next week I start a new series of classes, Tuesday
mornings from 9:30 to 11:30. Call if your interested.
I am not going to have evening classes for now because
I need to paint!
Linda and her girlfriend went to
www.chanticleergarden.org to visit the gardens
for the day. It was recommended by a client.
They had a great time. She thought it was well worth it
and they plan to go back several times next year
as the plants bloom. Should be interesting to
see what photos she took for me to paint!
The Show: SEPT 29 & 30
Held at the Colts Neck Fairgrounds,
Bucks Mill Rd, Colts Neck, NJ
10AM to 5PM ~ this is a pretty crafty show
but I usually have a good following.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
5" x 5" original watercolor
This is the beginning of my "fall collection". It sounds
a bit like a fashion show. It is in a way, a show of
colors and shapes. And what is more fashionable
than a huge pumpkin in fall. It can be found on all
the chic porches this time of year.
For you artists who are following my blog, dig out
your Cadmium Orange, its time to squeeze it onto
your palette.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Bittersweet ~ finished!
which painting I will print. Look down to 9/20
and cast your vote. Each painting has its own
merits. Offer your opinions either below by leaving
a comment or send me an email. I can only pick
I will have a new blog piece tomorrow.
I went to a market today and found new inspiration
for fruit and pumpkins. I also finished teaching
today. If you are interested in classes, I plan to
have Tuesday morning classes in October.
I need my nights to paint.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Shaker Boxes
This is a very simple painting with clean lines.
I liked the look of the brown wood boxes
against the white and light gray.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Bittersweet Demonstration #1 and Friday's Update
I was unable to paint a blog today. Not enough hours
in my day. I worked this morning on my next large
painting titled Bittersweet. It is the second painting
in the running for my new print. Don't judge it yet...
It is days away from completion.
Again, you can see pencil lines. I started the washes
but it is pretty much shades of yellow ochre as underpainting.
Feel free to send questions about the early stages of a painting.
I must say a huge thank you to a special client who played
tec man with my computer today. Linda is pretty excited
about the changes. I could not stay to watch, I left at 1:30
to drive to New Castle, DE to set up my tent and panels for
tomorrows show.
The Show: SEPT 22 ~ ART on the GREEN
Held in Battery Park, New Castle, DE
10am to 5pm ~ free admittance
I have a new space location...the center section
of Row A, down with the crafts. (A 21)
in my day. I worked this morning on my next large
painting titled Bittersweet. It is the second painting
in the running for my new print. Don't judge it yet...
It is days away from completion.
but it is pretty much shades of yellow ochre as underpainting.
Feel free to send questions about the early stages of a painting.
I must say a huge thank you to a special client who played
tec man with my computer today. Linda is pretty excited
about the changes. I could not stay to watch, I left at 1:30
to drive to New Castle, DE to set up my tent and panels for
tomorrows show.
The Show: SEPT 22 ~ ART on the GREEN
Held in Battery Park, New Castle, DE
10am to 5pm ~ free admittance
I have a new space location...the center section
of Row A, down with the crafts. (A 21)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
window demonstration #3 ~ finished!
a pink and red. Definitely the focal point. I hope you were
able to get a glimpse of how I lay on color. If you are new
to my blog, go back to 9/13 and then 9/18 to see the progression.
Also, in watercolor all the white areas are the paper, not white
paint. This will not be for sale until open house. It is one I am
considering for this years new print. Don't cast your vote until
I show you the other paintings. Actually, I need to paint them first!
New to my blog is "comments". I think it is working. Feel
free to give your opinion, make a suggestion or ask a question!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
I needed a change from the still life paintings I have
been working on, but not to big of a challenge. I
went with some of what I know well. An old stone
springhouse with a lush green landscape. But I
got a little thrill from the reflection across the pond.
It turned into a great looking pond!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
window demonstration #2
I worked on my geranium painting all day so I did not paint
a blog painting. I may need to do that every so often until
I have enough paintings for my annual open house, held
November 16-18 at my house. This is a pretty big event and
it is important for me to have all new paintings.
On 9/13 I showed you the early stages of this painting. Take
a quick peek back and you can tell how far it has come.
I worked outside the window, building the grass and trees.
The pencil lines are gone except for the window sill shadows.
Remember I am working from light to dark, building my color.
I use a hairdryer to dry each layer of color before adding
another layer. If you don't dry it thoroughly, you will end
up with a muddy mess. If you own one of my original paintings
and you have taken time to sit and study it, you can actually see
the layered tones of color. My goal is to slowly darken the
foreground, letting the light lay across the sill and give a warm
tone outside.
I am often asked "how long does it take to finish a painting"?
Because I paint everyday I know what my paint will do on the
paper. I understand color and perspective. This comes from
years of practice. When I start a new piece I have a clear path
in my mind, I am not struggling with my skills. It still takes time.
Since the other photo to now, I probably worked 20-25 hours.
And there is still much to do. But to all you struggling
watercolorists did you hear me say I paint everyday...
it takes practice!
So, it is back to the paints for me. I am getting anxious to see
this finished.
If you have questions, send an email. I am working on getting
comments added to the blog. But I need tec help for that!
There will be a new blog painting tomorrow.
a blog painting. I may need to do that every so often until
I have enough paintings for my annual open house, held
November 16-18 at my house. This is a pretty big event and
it is important for me to have all new paintings.
On 9/13 I showed you the early stages of this painting. Take
a quick peek back and you can tell how far it has come.
The pencil lines are gone except for the window sill shadows.
Remember I am working from light to dark, building my color.
I use a hairdryer to dry each layer of color before adding
another layer. If you don't dry it thoroughly, you will end
up with a muddy mess. If you own one of my original paintings
and you have taken time to sit and study it, you can actually see
the layered tones of color. My goal is to slowly darken the
foreground, letting the light lay across the sill and give a warm
tone outside.
I am often asked "how long does it take to finish a painting"?
Because I paint everyday I know what my paint will do on the
paper. I understand color and perspective. This comes from
years of practice. When I start a new piece I have a clear path
in my mind, I am not struggling with my skills. It still takes time.
Since the other photo to now, I probably worked 20-25 hours.
And there is still much to do. But to all you struggling
watercolorists did you hear me say I paint everyday...
it takes practice!
So, it is back to the paints for me. I am getting anxious to see
this finished.
If you have questions, send an email. I am working on getting
comments added to the blog. But I need tec help for that!
There will be a new blog painting tomorrow.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Cabinet Door #2
I spent most of my day working on the large
original painting. I looked up and felt panic
that I needed to also get the blog started. Usually
I have an idea what I want to paint but today I
was clueless. So I looked around the house for
something to jump out at me. I decided to work
from life. We have this wonderful antique cabinet
that has original blue paint. One door was open
part way and the other side was closed. I was
intrigued by the composition. My plan is to make
you feel like you want to peak inside but you know
you shouldn't!
Friday, September 14, 2007
Friday update...
I accomplished a lot this week...I think! I taught 3 sets of
watercolor classes, gave a talk at a school, started painting
my large piece, did some framing, and got a blog completed
daily. We had a family dinner 4 nights and I managed to get
my Mom out for a little walk. That's not counting the mundane
stuff like mowing the lawn. Other than stopping to make dinner,
I don't think Linda left her desk all week.
Painting: Again, I had a good variety for the blog. About
half the time I was able to post early. I try my best, but I am
often painting right up to 11pm. The "America" painting had
the most attention. Thank you bidders!! I am very pleased
with the way my large painting is going. I hope you enjoy the
little on line demonstration I am attempting. I plan to work on
that piece over the weekend.
Show: This weekend I have a mini original show at the studio.
Plus all the other paintings and prints are available. It is always
nice to have a weekend at home.
The Studio is open from 10AM to 4PM Saturday and Sunday.
watercolor classes, gave a talk at a school, started painting
my large piece, did some framing, and got a blog completed
daily. We had a family dinner 4 nights and I managed to get
my Mom out for a little walk. That's not counting the mundane
stuff like mowing the lawn. Other than stopping to make dinner,
I don't think Linda left her desk all week.
Painting: Again, I had a good variety for the blog. About
half the time I was able to post early. I try my best, but I am
often painting right up to 11pm. The "America" painting had
the most attention. Thank you bidders!! I am very pleased
with the way my large painting is going. I hope you enjoy the
little on line demonstration I am attempting. I plan to work on
that piece over the weekend.
Show: This weekend I have a mini original show at the studio.
Plus all the other paintings and prints are available. It is always
nice to have a weekend at home.
The Studio is open from 10AM to 4PM Saturday and Sunday.
Window Study #7
This is another consideration for a larger work
that I was thinking about making into a print.
This is a view from inside a potting shed looking
out. There is a pile of brush in the foreground.
This will be changed in the large painting.
I wanted the study to center around the window
for now, without the time spent on researching
what I will place in the foreground.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
An old Golden Retriever patiently waiting.
I throw a dog into the painting mix every now and
then. It is not a subject I would paint large so the
blog gives me an opportunity to explore and practice.
window demonstration #1
I have been talking about the large window painting
I am working on. I did a blog study on 9/5 and decided
to paint it large. I began by cutting a piece of Arches 300 lb
cold press paper to 14x13". Next I spent 2 days working on the
foundation sketch. You should be able to see the pencil lines.
My next step is to start layers of "wash". This is thin wet films
of color. Dried before adding each layer. This is called
underpainting. I am working from light to dark. Don't worry,
this is not how it will look in a few more days. I still need
to decide the color of the geranium!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Red Geranium
This geranium is actually a practice study for a large
painting I have started. I found this cement planter
in my recent trip to DC. I changed the background
causing a dramatic shift in value. The study was for
the plant however the planter has great texture
and light.
I need a little input on the color of the geranium in
my large painting. Keeping in mind I plan to print
the piece. Do I use the red above or a pink color
from the 9/5 blog painting? Send an email with your
opinion. thanks!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
In memory of 9/11...
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
On today's anniversary of the terrorists attack on
our land, I am lost in reflection. That day has made
widows and orphans of scores of us. It has deprived
us of family and friends. It has put thousands of our
best and finest are in harms way. Opinions may
divide us; but we cannot deny one thing...
we are Americans.
This painting was meant to represent our land,
our homes and our flag.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Evening #5
I've been experimenting with night light. At night
elements like texture and color change; so as an
artist I have to change my daytime perceptions of
them. I really like the challenge of making these
compositions work. I have placed a full moon over
head to balance the dark values on the bottom half
of the painting. I guess you could say I've got a
weakness for the dramatic.
elements like texture and color change; so as an
artist I have to change my daytime perceptions of
them. I really like the challenge of making these
compositions work. I have placed a full moon over
head to balance the dark values on the bottom half
of the painting. I guess you could say I've got a
weakness for the dramatic.
Friday, September 7, 2007
Friday update...
This is actually a Friday update on Friday night!
We had a very nice visit to Washington, DC last Sunday.
Took Jason to the zoo, we had not been there since Abbey was
young. Then we met Abbey and Ben for dinner and a visit to their
apartment. It was really nice to spend time with them. They are
brainstorming on how to get me to the next level... Exploring other
marketing and internet options. It pays to have smart kids!
This was Jason's last week at home. He was allowed to pick his meals
every night so we ate very well all week, Linda spent a lot of
time in the kitchen. We had his family over for dinner on Wednesday.
Thursday we played miniature golf. He is packed and ready to go
in the morning. He is nervous so keep him in your thoughts this week.
Painting: I was happy with my variety this week. My thoughts are
on getting just the right painting to print. The geranium is roughed
out and ready to paint. I think I may photograph it as I am working
to share with you. I thought you may enjoy the process. My classes
started this week. Info on classes can be found on my website.
Remember to update my email address: andy@andysmithartist.com
Sounds so official, like seeing your name in lights!
Held on the grounds of the Chadds Ford Historical Society
off Rt 1, in Chadds Ford, PA
FREE admittance! rain or shine!
Sat. 11am-7pm and Sun. 11am-5pm
We had a very nice visit to Washington, DC last Sunday.
Took Jason to the zoo, we had not been there since Abbey was
young. Then we met Abbey and Ben for dinner and a visit to their
apartment. It was really nice to spend time with them. They are
brainstorming on how to get me to the next level... Exploring other
marketing and internet options. It pays to have smart kids!
This was Jason's last week at home. He was allowed to pick his meals
every night so we ate very well all week, Linda spent a lot of
time in the kitchen. We had his family over for dinner on Wednesday.
Thursday we played miniature golf. He is packed and ready to go
in the morning. He is nervous so keep him in your thoughts this week.
Painting: I was happy with my variety this week. My thoughts are
on getting just the right painting to print. The geranium is roughed
out and ready to paint. I think I may photograph it as I am working
to share with you. I thought you may enjoy the process. My classes
started this week. Info on classes can be found on my website.
Remember to update my email address: andy@andysmithartist.com
Sounds so official, like seeing your name in lights!
Held on the grounds of the Chadds Ford Historical Society
off Rt 1, in Chadds Ford, PA
FREE admittance! rain or shine!
Sat. 11am-7pm and Sun. 11am-5pm
Candle in Glass
paint whatever moves me at the moment. When
visiting my daughter, Abbey last weekend,
I saw this candle on her bookshelf. I am not sure
what attracted me to it. But I wanted to see if I could
capture the glass and the burned down candle.
I kept a muted background so it would not compete
with the glass and give a nice warm tone. I tend to like
busy subjects so this was a good exercise for me.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Roof Top #2
I've been giving more time and effort to my landscapes.
The texture created by the mountains against the
treeline make an abstract type of tapestry. This
composition includes the many shades of green that are
so difficult to work with, yet when done well, give me
such satisfaction. The roof top helps give a perspective
and a spot of color.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Pink Geranium
It is time to choose a painting to print. This happens
every year at this time. It is a large financial investment
so I cannot afford to guess wrong! This image is a
possibility, I will paint it and see how it feels, I have
several others in mind. But I am starting with this piece.
The final painting will be much larger and have more detail.
I am starting with this mini study. Working out how the light
comes in the window and falls across the sill. I washed
in a background for now because I did not want to distract
myself from the study of the light. As a viewer your eye
is not sure where to look first, the warm light or the pink flower.
It requires you to spend a little time studying it just like I did.
Feel free to offer input by email!
Also, Linda has been making computer upgrades.
Please change my email address to:
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Climbing Roses
I wanted to paint detail in the fence and
background, making it realistic. Then adding
a more impressionistic feel to the climbing
rose bush. I was attracted to the green
and red splash of color against the white.
Watercolor classes start this week. If you
live close to my studio and like to paint, you
should consider a class. I think I am a pretty
good teacher!
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