Monday, March 30, 2009
Ladderback #5
The effect of creating depth on a
flat two dimensional plane has
always fascinated me. These two
ladderback chairs are another
attempt at doing so. I have used
light and texture to my advantage.
I have been painting subjects from
around my house but these are not
my chairs, I wish they were. They
came to me by way of a friend.
Although I have paintedl adderbacks
in my paintings often.
It was to wet and cold for my
bike ride so I started right in on my
painting. I must confess that track is
taking up quite a bit of my time. I stayed
after practice to watch our high school
kids run. I have a vested interest...
many were once my runners!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Still Life #9
I found this still life in our kitchen.
The red in the background is a
Sturgis pretzel can, the basket is
one Linda's grandfather made and
then pottery we collected over the
Busy weekend! We set up for my show
on Friday. This was a guild show so the
quality was superior. I always feel
privileged when they include my paintings.
I was there Saturday and today and the
crowds were thin. I did the minimum I
needed and feel grateful. I also was able to
work on a 14x18 painting which I will show
you later in the week.
For now... I am going to go put my feet up!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Still Life #8
From an early age, when I
experienced my first N.C. Wyeth
paintings, I've been mesmerized by
light and texture. I seek it in most of
my own paintings. This one included.
You can see the presence of the sun's
effect on the floor and the wood bucket
of dried beans. I love how parts of
things can tell a whole story or finish a
light and texture. I seek it in most of
my own paintings. This one included.
You can see the presence of the sun's
effect on the floor and the wood bucket
of dried beans. I love how parts of
things can tell a whole story or finish a
Track practice was cancelled due to rain
today giving me unexpected extra time.
I had my last class at Willow Valley, I
actually enjoy teaching there. Great group
of older people. Next I visited Mom, she
was not happy today so it was a hard visit.
When I got home, Joan was visiting. This is
Linda's old roommate from 30 years ago.
It was nice to watch them both laughing.
of older people. Next I visited Mom, she
was not happy today so it was a hard visit.
When I got home, Joan was visiting. This is
Linda's old roommate from 30 years ago.
It was nice to watch them both laughing.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Pottery #17
This is one of my favorite pieces of
pottery. Good color and a wonderful
pattern inside. I painted it from an
angle where you see the outside and
just a glimpse of the inside.
I am on a still life roll... I decided to
look around my own house for inspiration.
And there is plenty to keep me busy.
The hours of my day are suddenly flying by.
I have to stop everyday at 2:30 to get
ready for track and it is after 6 till I am
back home. It seriously cuts into my
painting time. But I LOVE it! It is so
exciting to watch my kids improve and
give me all they have in them. I work them
hard and they just preform.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Oil Can Collection
This is my own collection of small
oil cans. They are worn and dented
but still have great color and shape.
I took a few days off, mostly because I
simply did not have time to get a painting
finished. Actually, not even started.
The weekend was spent showing and I
did work on a large painting. Sunday was
spent visiting Abbey and Ben in DC.
Actually that was wedding planning which
did not involve me! Monday I needed to
run back to Chadds Ford to pick up the paintings
that did not sell, then a stop to see my Mom
and then it was track practice. Today...
I had my class in the morning and I was able
to start the oil cans. I wanted to get back to
some still life subjects so I looked around the
house for my inspiration. I have never painted
these cans and they have nice color so I went
with it. I had to stop early because of a track meet.
We won!! Congrats to my kids. I only got home
at 7:30 so I had to get right back to the painting.
10:30 pm.... not the latest I have finished!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Thursday evening update...
No painting today...
It is almost 10pm and the plumber
is here...that should say it all.
We leave tomorrow to set up two shows:
#1 60th Annual Chadds Ford Art Sale & Show
Friday, March 20th from 7pm to 10pm
Saturday, March 21st from 10am to 4pm
Chadds Ford Elementary School
3 Baltimore Pike Chadds Ford, PA
Admission is free and 30% of all purchases
are tax deductible.
I will not be present... but have several paintings
and prints available.
#2 The North Penn Select Craft Show
will be held Saturday, March 21 at the
North Penn High School in Landsdale, PA
from 9:30am to 4:30pm Great quality work.
I will be here all day...
It is almost 10pm and the plumber
is here...that should say it all.
We leave tomorrow to set up two shows:
#1 60th Annual Chadds Ford Art Sale & Show
Friday, March 20th from 7pm to 10pm
Saturday, March 21st from 10am to 4pm
Chadds Ford Elementary School
3 Baltimore Pike Chadds Ford, PA
Admission is free and 30% of all purchases
are tax deductible.
I will not be present... but have several paintings
and prints available.
#2 The North Penn Select Craft Show
will be held Saturday, March 21 at the
North Penn High School in Landsdale, PA
from 9:30am to 4:30pm Great quality work.
I will be here all day...
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Pastoral View #11
contact the studio for more info
Lush green fields on a sunny day!
I barely had time to paint today.
I had my Men's Prayer breakfast at
6:30am. Then a few of us went out
riding, I got back a little later than I
should have. Next I had framing to do
for a fellow artist who needed help. I
looked up and it was time for track.
After track I took Linda out for a burger.
So I have been glued to my paint table
till now! This pastoral scene is my longing
for summer!!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Window Study #18
This little painting lets your own
imagination take over. I give you
just a few clues so you can fill in the
rest. I like the tiny corner of the
porch and steps in the left side.
Another good morning to ride bike!
I am so happy to be able to get out.
Back in time for my class. All my students
are producing some very good work.
I stayed focused and finished this painting
before I left for track. We had time
trials today and I see a great team coming
together. Linda spent her day getting
her new office area together and worked
a few hours in the garden.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Portrait Study #9
My on going study of portraits...
with a still life in the background.
It was a busy weekend here. I went for
an early bike ride on Saturday morning
only to come back to the studio all torn
up. A friend, encouraged Linda to make
some changes, like she needs to be
encouraged! This change is now into day
3. We moved her office, we moved a huge
cabinet that was in Abbeys room into her
office. We actually needed help to get it
downstairs. Every print has a new spot in
the studio. Sunday we needed lots of help
moving the computer stuff. Today she decided
to spruce up the paint and polish the floor.
And it continues...she has more plans...
Luckily I had track to run off to!!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Evening #12
This painting is a composite of sorts.
It is a real scene from the wonderful
Canterbury Shaker Village in New
Hampshire. In the foreground is a fence
with a neat row of orange day lilies.
I took artistic licence and changed a day
scene to night time. I added the light in
the windows to give a warm welcoming
feeling and a sense of family.
I started my day with a chilly 30 mile
bike ride. Needed a long hot shower to
warm up, it was colder than I thought when
I started out. After that, I painted all day.
3-5pm track practice, and then took Linda
out for a light dinner and its back at my desk.
Linda worked on office stuff in the morning
then spent the afternoon with my Mom.
Linda added this dodad to my blog ~ down on
the right side called "Live Traffic Feed"
I love it!!! It tells me where the people looking
at my blog live. It has entertained me all day!!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Portrait Study #8
Humm...landscape or portrait??
Since I was studying the Amishmans
figure I am going with portrait.
This painting has a lot of shades of
green so you need to study it. It is a
true farm scene. There is corn
growing in the background.
The farmer is my focal point. He is
inspecting his tobacco which is piled
onto a wagon. I love his bow legs...
His legs alone can tell a story.
My class of older folks (I am guessing 75
years and up) went well today.
They inspire me, they are excited to paint
and charm me with their stories. Two hours
fly by. I painted in the afternoon. And then
it is off to track. This was the 4th practice.
I have 45 sprinters... Middle School...
boys and girls... I think this says it all!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Portrait Study #7
I wanted to stretch my range today. I have
been painting still life and landscapes for a
while... This one was a bit of a challenge and
I enjoyed myself. I was concentrating on
showing motion. I painted this Amish man pulling
his wagon without showing the whole wagon.
His body shape tells he is moving forward. I think
his clothing turned out very good.
He is moving into a dark barn. The window in
the background gives you depth.
I missed yesterday, just not enough time. Rode
bike outside at 6am, taught a class in the morning.
Ran a few errands, Track from 3-5, dinner and
I painted a bit but there was not enough time to
get a blog done. So today I got up for my 6:30am
Men's Prayer Group then back home to paint all
morning. I ran out to visit with Mom and play a
few rousing Bingo rounds with the Mom and the
residents. Home for Track, which is going very
well, I have a great group of kids. Home by 5:30
to cook some steaks for my father-in-laws 75th
Birthday Dinner. I am determined to get the blog
on early tonight.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Green Door #2
I liked the warm sunlight in this painting.
With watercolors the traditional way to
paint is to save the paper for your light
areas. Can you tell which is paper showing?
Make sure you look at the mailbox. Click
to enlarge to see it better.
I finished my large painting over the weekend
as my demonstration piece. It is not framed (will
be 24"x18") and untitled and not priced but I
wanted to share it.
think this painting has turned out very well.
While I was busy showing, Abbey had her
surprise wedding shower on Saturday. Linda
was worried I would let something slip but I did
not! It went off perfectly, I am told.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Architectural Study
The fun thing about the painting a day is
that I can paint whatever moves me. I think
this one looks a little different than my usual
work. A bit looser. This scene was from
Portsmouth VA. The building was so old but
I liked the color and flow of shadows. I was simply
taken by the general architecture of a city building.
My day flew by. I had a 9am class to teach.
Then a visit to Mom, stop at her eye doctor
to work on an eye drop issue, then a desperately
needed haircut. Home in time to paint, help out
with dinner then a track parent meeting.
Suddenly it is night time! Mark you calender
to join me this weekend at my show...
The Friends of the Arts 29th Annual Show
Held March 7 & 8 at the
Owen J Roberts High School (moved from the M.S.)
981 Ridge Road, Pottstown, Pa
from 10am to 4pm Good quality work.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Pottery #16
I can only paint so many landscapes
before I need a change...
This one speaks for itself.
Strong values, well rendered.
I had a gentleman visit today to talk about
painting for a living. He wants to give it a try.
It was hard to be encouraging while being
conflicted about how hard it is right now.
I wanted to say "are you nuts"!! These are
tough times to try to sell paintings. Then I
remembered how it was all those years ago
when I quit my day job and started. Friends thought
I was crazy. We barely survived in the beginning
and I mean barely. It would be better to think the
lean years are behind me. But it is a bit like a roller
coaster but so is life in general. I always believed
I would "make it" but the definition of making it
shifts over the years. If you take money out of the
equation and look at it, I have it all. Family, strong
foundation, great friends, solid reputation, admiration
of fellow artists, a good work ethic, well honed talent,
constantly give back to my community, faith... all the
stuff that matters that you cannot put a dollar amount
on. So Tony if you are reading this go for it, feed
your spirit, give it all you have, if I can do it so can
anyone who wants it bad enough. Go paint...
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
The Daily Painters group picks a topic
every month and "Reflections" was
today's assignment. This was easy for
me, right up my alley. I went with a
landscape in the background and
reflections in the water.
Visit the Daily Painters website at:
I had my favorite class this morning. They
are all so talented I hardly need to do any
thing but encourage them and they stroke
my artistic ego right back. Linda and I went
together to visit Mom today. We both said
how emotionally hard it has been on us both.
We have not found a schedule that works
and Mom just thinks she is coming home soon.
Meanwhile I am trying to keep up my painting.
Between Mom and the economic news it is hard
to keep in a good frame of mind. My bike rollers
are getting quite a work out!! Linda has maps
and tour books for France all over the house,
that is what is keeping her sane, that and the
excitement of a wedding. Abbey will be home
this weekend for some more Mother-daughter
time. I have a show, the Mother-daughter
time requires some money!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Farm Study
The gently rolling hills of Lancaster County
were muddy before today's snow storm!
There is the time before the land sprouts
up with crops and all is just brown dirt. The
trees are still bare but there is a lot going on
at the farm. Yes, this painting is a little dark
so click over it for a better view.
I awoke to several inches of snow this morning
so there will be no bike riding for a few days.
I cannot wait for spring!
Linda and Abbey had a successful shopping trip
over the weekend and it was nice to spend time
with Abbey and Ben. They will be home this
weekend for wedding planning while I have a show
to go to. I had a track meeting tonight for strategic
planning! I can't wait to start, 6 more days!!
Meanwhile there is my painting. I am working on
another large landscape, it is nice to work big after
a winter of miniature paintings.
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