Monday, March 2, 2009

Farm Study

6"x 4" original watercolor

The gently rolling hills of Lancaster County
were muddy before today's snow storm!
There is the time before the land sprouts
up with crops and all is just brown dirt. The
trees are still bare but there is a lot going on
at the farm. Yes, this painting is a little dark
so click over it for a better view.

I awoke to several inches of snow this morning
so there will be no bike riding for a few days.
I cannot wait for spring!
Linda and Abbey had a successful shopping trip
over the weekend and it was nice to spend time
with Abbey and Ben. They will be home this
weekend for wedding planning while I have a show
to go to. I had a track meeting tonight for strategic
planning! I can't wait to start, 6 more days!!
Meanwhile there is my painting. I am working on
another large landscape, it is nice to work big after
a winter of miniature paintings.

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