Thursday, October 28, 2010

Finished Demo

Step #8
I just keep working into the painting.
Slowly going darker, building the texture.
The color palette is not changing, I am
simply adding more color with a drybrush
technique - meaning less water, more paint
and smaller brush strokes. Notice I have
saved the chair for last.

Step #9
A bit darker outline to define the
door and moulding. To make the chair
stand out, I darken the floor behind it.
Add the shadows against the door.
Now the chair... I used a light wash of
Cad. Orange and Yellow Ochre to the seat
to give it a warm glow. Finishing the chair
with Paynes Grey, blue and a touch of Sepia.

Finally, the warm spot on the floor.
I continued the floor lines through the spot.
Then surrounded the spot with a warm wash of
Cad. Orange diluted to the thinnest wash I could

While I am busy with my painting, Linda and
her helpers are busy in the studio. Stacy is
cutting mats while Lori is framing. There are
supplies in every room of the studio and house.
Its a little scary if I did not know that Linda will
have it all organized in another week!

Invites were delivered today so they will
be labeled and stamped this weekend. I make
my annual 6 hour round trip to NJ to pick up
the frames tomorrow.

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