End of the Season #1
5" x 5" original watercolor
End of the Season #2
6"x 4" original watercolor
I painted two pumpkins over the Thanksgiving
holiday but am only now finding a free moment
to get them on my blog. I now need to switch
gears and think Holiday ~ winter/snow ...
Open House is over! Despite the economy
and bad weather we did very well. We were
busy all weekend.
I still have some original paintings available,
click Featured Original Watercolors
to view them and call or email any questions.
Remember to click over the paintings to
enlarge them.
As the grand finale of Behind the Scenes...
Everything now has to be taken apart and the
house and studio put back together! Undo everything
we spent days doing. Panels down, furniture hauled back,
the studio framing supplies brought up from the basement
while keeping the studio some what tidy for visiting
clients looking for holiday gifts. We try very hard to be
available all of December for clients wishing to visit the studio.
Next for Linda is to catch up on the business end,
add the sales and clients to the database, get a deposit
together and balance everything, pay all the bills that
were net 30 days! Then she starts filling
orders for prints: cut mats, frame, box and ship.
Meanwhile my goal is to get back to my "Painting
a Day" and start (finish) three commissions.
We started our Thanksgiving holiday with my Mom
falling again. I am so worried she is going to hurt herself
and yet there is nothing more we can do. Abbey and
Ben came home, they spent the first few days with
Ben's family and then were here Saturday. It is always
great to see them. Linda and the kids played some card
games, I totally enjoy hearing them laugh. My
brother and family came to visit on Saturday night and it
was nice to catch up with them. Once again the house is quiet...
Now it is back to work!