Monday, August 19, 2019

packing back up...

Mount Gretna Art Show update:  this show made too many changes in one year. They closed several areas and moved artists.  They closed down Rt 117 and put artists along the road making getting around impossible.  They canceled the shuttles, making everyone park up in the field. Anyone older now has to walk pretty far to the show and then walk around the show.  Too much in the heat.  Saturday traffic was backed up 2 hours to park, many people turned around and went home.  The show boasted record attendees...  ??  They did not allow artist to drive anywhere in the show to restock, drop off an ice chest and just all the junk you need to drag in and out daily.  We had to dolly it all in.  It was hot, and a brief shower on Saturday created red mud everywhere.  Sunday was hot with a show closing rain at 4pm.  Again, with the new layout pack up was almost impossible so we decided to close up and come back on Monday morning.  They had some pretty bad storms roll through so on Mondays arrival the tent and rug are drenched so it’s pack up wet.  If you ever tent camped in the rain it’s like that!  At home everything has to be unpacked, hosed off and dried.

I am talking hours of extra work. My 2 day show turns into 4 days of work.  Many artist had very low sales however I did ok so I’m feeling grateful, as long as I do not add the hours and figure out I
am probably earning below minimum wage!!  I am not getting a blog painted today but will try to work on the larger forest painting I have been working on later tonight.   Thank you to all my clients that supported me this weekend.  No worries, I’ll be ready for Yorkfest by the weekend!

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