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This is a beautiful looking male, a mate to Friday's
female cardinal. Same icy tree! Again, thank you to
Amy Hoyer for the use of her photos, they were
perfect reference material!
I had a question about our bottle tree... we do this
every year for years. We take our leftover Christmas
tree and move it outside for winter so all the birds
can enjoy it. Then on the first warm day, Linda cuts
off all the branches. We find an empty spot and set it
in the garden. Then she adds bottles, this one has all blue
bottles, they add great color to the garden. Since the tree
is different every year the shape changes with each new
tree. We have one at the front of the house that has
wine bottles from special occasions, this one is out all year.
A very nice companion painting to your last one... so pretty!
Another handsome piece, Andy. Cardinals are so very pretty and you've done them proud. I've seen bottle trees and think they look pretty cool and interesting. I always wonder how people find all the different colored bottles and how they stay standing when there are heavy storms/winds.
Your painting today is so charming! I chose it as my favorite daily painting on my blog, rosaspicks.wordpress.com. I hope you'll come by and check it out! Thanks, Rosa
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