Friday, April 16, 2010

Friday Update

I did not get any painting done today...
Spent the day switching my show supplies
from indoor to outdoor. Putting away the rugs,
and lights and digging out the tents and weights.
Doesn't sound like much when I write it but it
took me most of the day. From today on I have
a show booked every weekend through October.
So the madness begins! This weekend is easy,
close to home and only one day. It is more of
a local fun fest than a art/craft show. But I am
putting up a full display and if its not to cold I will
be demonstrating. Come on out and support your
favorite artist!
The Show:
Saturday, April 17
Lebanon Valley College, Valley Fest
Held at Academic Quad, Annville, PA
10AM-5pm (I think it is free)

Also if you never saw this interview you should read


Autumn Leaves said...

One day I aim to own an Andy Smith, that is for sure. At least yesterday was a productive day for you Andy. Good luck this weekend and do have a good time!

Lyn Gill said...

I hope will post a photo of your show setup for outside. Sounds like you have a lot to do, though, good luck!