Friday, February 6, 2009

Winter Series #26

4"x 6" original watercolor

Back to winter! If you check out the
painting from 2/3 you will notice
this view is farther down stream. The
sky has changed causing the reflections
in the water to change. I find it interesting
that a change in sky gives a totally different
feeling to the painting.

I dropped off my 2 paintings at the Chadds
Ford Gallery today and we stopped for lunch at
the famous "Hanks". We have eaten there in
the past and I was always on the look out in case
Andrew Wyeth would happen to stop in since
legend has it as his favorite hang out. I always
ate with a feeling of anticipation that this could be

the day I see him... But today of course there
was a tiny bit of sadness in the finality of now
actually knowing.

We stopped in with my Mom on the way home
and I spent the rest of my night painting. I have
an interview with our local newspaper on
Sunday and the weather is to get warmer so
I have high hopes of a bike ride if Linda is not
paying attention to the amount of snow still
out there!!
Oh... on a business note, Linda asked me to
remind you all that one of my paintings or
prints would make a very nice
Valentines Day gift...

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