Thursday, January 15, 2009

Winter Series #10

4"x 6" original watercolor

Pottery on an old window sill with
sunshine and remnants of snow
out the window. I like this color
of clay on the pottery.

A neighbor stopped in to work on his
pastels while I painted this morning;
just to keep each other company. And
Linda's brother Karl stopped in for a
short visit, I have taught myself to keep
painting while there are distractions
around me. I can chat and paint.
Linda spent another morning with my Mom.
Mom had PT and the nurse stopped in.
My mother-in-laws birthday is today so
we had another lunch outing. This is pretty
nice for Linda, saves her cooking! We spent
an hour tonight practicing our swing dance.

I look up and it is 9:30pm! Fast day.
It is 12 degrees right now, I know for some
of you in other parts of the country I have
nothing to complain about but... my furnace
is running nonstop and I have the temp
turned down low!! So I need you to go place
a good bid on this painting, proceeds go directly

to the oil company!!

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