Tuesday, September 9, 2008


5" x 5" original watercolor
contact: andy@andysmithartist.com

I went to our local market today and had
to have these peppers. The color was so
vibrant. I brought them home and put
them in my favorite blue bowl.

I started my classes today. The morning class
was to full so I am putting the advanced painters
in a Wednesday morning class. If anyone who has
already spent some time with watercolors wants

to join me there is room for three more students.
Everyone works on their own project, I am there
to solve problems.
Wednesdays from 9:30 to 11:30am, just send an email.
Otherwise my classes are full. I enjoy teaching and I
enjoy my students, they become good friends.
With teaching I now miss our yoga class. Linda and I
were going faithfully. She trotted off with out me tonight!
I finished the first of my commissions, the second one is
sketched and ready for paint. My client came to look
and decided to take choice #2 so I need to get moving
on that one.

1 comment:

Sylvia Jenstad said...

Had to stop... love your colours...Wow...