all week. But I am working... hard!
Wednesday I took my Mom to the hairdresser; an all morning
affair. From noon till late evening I painted. I worked on
the final painting in my landscape series. Be patient, I will
share them with you soon. The new gold frames should be
here tomorrow. I am pretty excited.
Today, I returned to my "Artist in Residence" gig. Life as
as artist was the topic and I demonstrated from 9-12.
Wowing the ladies
with my
You can see progress with the painting...
click over photo to enlarge. Notice the
peeling paint, very well handled if I say so myself!
The tape around the painting is a little
distracting but I do not pull it off until I
am finished. I have about two more
hours of work on this but it is coming
along very well. The image size is 19x13".
It is 8pm and I am still at my paint table!
Tomorrow I set up in the park for the HUGE
Lititz craft show which is on Saturday. 900
spaces! You can find me in the park near the
parking lot. Abbey and Ben are coming home
to celebrate their engagement, so I am sure I
will not get much help from Linda on Saturday!
The kids and parents are doing a Sunday Brunch
together which will be very nice. They are going to
present their wedding plans. Should be interesting.
So get on eBay and start bidding...
I have a wedding to pay for!!
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