instead of working on a small blog painting.
My ego had been stroked last weekend, someone told
the promoter at the KY show it was a big deal getting
me to come to their show and my work was fabulous etc,
I could hear my name being whispered around.
Then I delivered prints to a hospital in Ohio and they
organized a reception for me with the doctors which
was a total surprise. But so I do not get to swelled a head,
I have a local craft show tomorrow and went to
find my space... I am in the back of the park, off
to the side, in front of the swings! I had to laugh.
No special preference here! Keeps me humble!
The Show:
Big Lititz Craft Show ~ Saturday 8/14
I am in the Lititz Spring Park, near the playground,
2nd row in front of the swings!
"Ready, willing, and able?"
Gorgeous piece, Andy. I love the blue in the bowl on the right side, the pattern in the china on the left, and the utilitarian pieces and colors in the center.
Someone asked me why I felt my husband and I needed humbling just the other day. I guess because we get too complacent and take so much for granted. We are being humbled and it is rather scary for us. Still, we'll manage. Think of all the moms that might be near the swings for this event! Customer bonanza??? Maybe so, maybe so!
Andy, I love this one, it deserves a really good name! How's that coming?
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