A classic still life in my style.
A shelf filled with objects, a shaker box,
funnels, a jug... some good shadows.
I managed to get in a bike ride between rain
drops this morning. Never did clear up enough
to get my wet tent out of the van. Hopefully
tomorrow is clear. Other than a few quick errands
I painted all day. I have a large commission I
need to get moving on, it will be due in a few weeks.
I wanted to get through track so I could give it my
undivided attention. I am now out of excuses and
need to start!
I love this one Andy, simple, dark and mysterious!
Hey andy...you have become a marketing genius....I sadly am not ... but my golf handicap is down to 6,
Bruce... I know many "Bruces" who also golf...but I am guessing from the phrasing and the bragging of the handicap...and I am surprised you did not tell me you made your golf bag... and to sign it with love means a man secure in his manhood and all these clues can only point to one man... But you better blow the dust off your bike buddy, cause when I finally visit we are riding together!! If I am guessing wrong I will look most foolish! Love back at ya...Andy
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