Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Commission Update #5

 I am working on the flowers...

The Blog is on hold until March 17th... busy, busy!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

2025 Landscape #10 AND Commission Progress

$145 (unframed) 4x6” mini original watercolor
Available to the 1st person to email
(framing 8x10 $35 - shipping available at cost)
If unsold by 3/6 the price goes to $225

A barn from Chester County...

The commission, #4
working my way up the stems...

Starting to add some flowers...

Here is a close up view...

Starting the rose...

Monday, March 3, 2025

2025 Landscape #9 AND Commission Progress

$145 (unframed) 4x6” mini original watercolor
Available to the 1st person to email
(framing 8x10 $35 - shipping available at cost)
If unsold by 3/5 the price goes to $225

A cork tree from Portugal. Evergreen Oak trees, who knew.  The harvesting of cork was fascinating.

I did not paint on Friday.  Spent some time washing my suburban then went to Lazzaro's with 
friends for an early dinner. The rest of the weekend was spent on my commission.

The commission, #3
Working on the greens...

The slow build of greens!  I do not use the green right out of the tubes.  I have 4 varieties of green in my palette but I mix the shades I want. The 4 on the left.  Doesn't look like much but its 4 different shades.

I am building the stems and leaves...

Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Commission, #2

Personal Thoughts:  I was thinking about the bit of anxiety I have about this commission.  Even after 45 years of painting and I am pretty confident in my watercolor skills, this one is causing a bit of anxiety.  More because the clients are important to me and this has very special meaning to them and I want them to be thrilled.  That puts more pressure on me.

Painting thoughts for those of you trying to paint... My big advice is, SLOW DOWN.  I worked 7 hours on 2 little ribbons.  Building the color, paying attention to the shadows, one thin wash over another.

The ribbons. I started with the darker purple.  It would be easy to make this a muddy purple mess! I needed to understand the flow (tie) of the ribbon, where the darkest and lightest shades are. If you go back to my drawing there was only a basic outline, nothing to show shading.  That is why it is so important to understand your subject.
Close up view.

This is an overall view.

Next is the lighter ribbon.  Same thinking.  Slow build only lighter shade.
Close up view

OK, here is where I am stopping for the day.  My eyes are tired!

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Commission

This may not look like much but I have been working 7 straight hours!  Starting with washes on the table top.

Then moving to the marbles...

More marbles and forming the glass bowl.

going deeper into the bowl... light washes,  taking my time...

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

2025 Landscape #8

SOLD!  $145 (unframed) 6x4” mini original watercolor
Available to the 1st person to email
(framing 10x8 $35 - shipping available at cost)
If unsold by 2/27 the price goes to $225

A landscape from Gettysburg, PA
I worked on this farm scene while I was waiting for the OK on my commission.

The Commission...
I spent a day studying the composition. Understanding what is happening is very important before you start. There is a glass bowl with flat marbles, a vase setting inside. 2 ribbons and a flower arrangement.  As you know, I hand draw (no assist of any kind)  the paper is 300lb cold press, size is 12x16"

I plan to start tomorrow.

Monday, February 24, 2025

latest painting...

This was my demo painting at Fire and Ice this past weekend. 

A view from my second floor window to my back yard and up the street.  Different for me and I was so excited about all the lights.  Full moon, porch lights, street lights and all the glow they gave off.   The full moon was going down and the sun was getting ready to come up, about 5am.  The challenge of drawing a street scene by hand and not using white paint but saving my paper for all the light areas.  I had to concentrate a bit but loved the challenge! 
It will frame to 14x18 and needs a title and price.

I have a commission to work on all this week.  As soon as they ok the drawing and I get permission to show it I will post the progress.  Might even try a Facebook live...I will keep you posted.

Thursday, February 20, 2025

2025 Still Life #13

mini original watercolor  $225
A jug, a cup and a lemon... makes you think...

I am making an observation...  Last night at the dance we were probably one of the youngest ones there. I would say the average age is late 70's to mid 80's. It makes me SO happy to see older people out there dancing and having a great time, getting exercise while having fun. Another observation... Chubby Checkers "The Twist" seemed a much shorter song when I was in my 20's! You want exercise, twist for that whole song! We also did a waltz, my calves were killing me by the end!
Anyone who likes to dance to 50-60's to a DJ feel free to join us on Wednesday nights at Jimbo's at 3400 Plaza Dr, Reading, PA .$10 cover. They serve food and drinks. Music is from 7 to 10. Just let us know and we can sit together!

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

2025 Still Life #12

mini original watercolor   $225
There is a clean crispness to this one.

Tonight is date night, going out dancing!

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

2025 Barn

mini original watercolor  $225
Inside the barn at the Eisenhower Farm in Gettysburg PA.

In the Studio: Today, I packed the Suburban for my first show of 2025. It took some time to gather the racks, upper racks, feet, covers, lights, rugs, sign and table. Meanwhile Linda (and Lori) packed the paintings. Made fresh new labels, filled the shrink bucket, and filled the show box.
Fire & Ice Makers Market in Lititz...this weekend!

I was accepted into the April show in Williamsburg VA

I was an award winner last year. 2024 but that does not guarantee acceptance!

Also accepted in the Pennsylvania Guild of Craftsman craft show at the Foundry in June.  This is their 2nd year, I was away last year.  But its always great quality.
I never take it for granted that I am accepted into any show. You fill out long applications, include photos of your work and your booth, include a jury payment and wait...